2.2 Installing dm Server

Although the steps are similar, the details of installing dm Server depend on the operating system.

Obtain the free Community Edition of dm Server from the dm Server download site (http://www.springsource.org/dmserver). This guide is consistent with version 2.0.0.M3 of dm Server.

Installing dm Server on Windows™ operating systems

Unzip the download of dm Server to the root directory of a drive (this will avoid possible problems with long pathnames). Set an environment variable %DMS_HOME% to refer to the unzipped folder…

cd C:\
"%JAVA_HOME%"\bin\jar xf \path\to\springsource-dm-server-2.0.0.M3.zip
set DMS_HOME=C:\springsource-dm-server-2.0.0.M3

To verify the installation, issue the command: "%DMS_HOME%"\bin\startup.bat and ensure a message numbered SPPM0002I is displayed. (Timestamps have been removed from this illustration, and thread names and other messages may vary with different installations.)

main                     <SPOF0001I> OSGi telnet console available on port 2401.
main                     <SPKE0002I> Kernel installed.
main                     <SPKE0003I> Kernel started.
server-dm-8              <SPPM0000I> Installing profile 'web'.
server-dm-8              <SPTC0000I> Starting Tomcat.
server-dm-8              <SPTC0001I> Creating HTTP/1.1 connector with scheme http on port 8080.
server-dm-8              <SPTC0001I> Creating HTTP/1.1 connector with scheme https on port 8443.
server-dm-8              <SPTC0001I> Creating AJP/1.3 connector with scheme http on port 8009.
server-dm-8              <SPPM0001I> Installed profile 'web'.
Deployer Recovery        <SPPM0002I> Server open for business with profile 'web'.

Shut down the server by pressing Ctrl-C.

Installing dm Server on UNIX™ operating systems

Unzip the download of dm Server to a suitable location on the file system, such as the home directory. (If the download was automatically unzipped by the operating system, simply move the unzipped directory to the chosen location.) Set an environment variable $DMS_HOME to refer to the unzipped folder…

mkdir /path/to/home/springsource
cd /path/to/home/springsource
unzip /path/to/springsource-dm-server-2.0.0.M3.zip
export DMS_HOME=/path/to/home/springsource/springsource-dm-server-2.0.0.M3

To verify the installation, use a terminal window to issue the command: $DMS_HOME/bin/startup.sh and ensure a message numbered SPPM0002I is displayed. (Timestamps have been removed from this illustration, and thread names and other messages may vary with different installations.)

main                     <SPOF0001I> OSGi telnet console available on port 2401.
main                     <SPKE0002I> Kernel installed.
main                     <SPKE0003I> Kernel started.
server-dm-8              <SPPM0000I> Installing profile 'web'.
server-dm-8              <SPTC0000I> Starting Tomcat.
server-dm-8              <SPTC0001I> Creating HTTP/1.1 connector with scheme http on port 8080.
server-dm-8              <SPTC0001I> Creating HTTP/1.1 connector with scheme https on port 8443.
server-dm-8              <SPTC0001I> Creating AJP/1.3 connector with scheme http on port 8009.
server-dm-8              <SPPM0001I> Installed profile 'web'.
Deployer Recovery        <SPPM0002I> Server open for business with profile 'web'.

Shut down the server by pressing Ctrl-C.