2.3 Installing the SpringSource Tools Suite

The SpringSource Tools Suite (STS) is a development environment based on Eclipse that comes configured with all the plugins needed to work with the dm Server and OSGi, this includes the latest version of dm Server Tools, so no updates are necessary. Although the steps are similar, the details of installing STS depend on the operating system.

Go to the STS download site (http://www.springsource.com/products/sts) and download the variant appropriate to the operating system being used. This guide is consistent with STS version 2.1.0.RC1. Previous versions may not work properly with the latest revision of GreenPages, currently 2.0.0.RELEASE.

Installing STS on Windows™ operating systems

Unzip the download of STS to the root directory of a drive (this will avoid possible problems with long pathnames).

cd C:\
"%JAVA_HOME%"\bin\jar xf \full…path…to\springsource-tool-suite-2.1.0.RC1-e3.4-win32.zip

To verify the installation, run the eclipse.exe executable in the unzipped directory and check that STS displays a welcome panel. The first time there may be a short delay due to the initial set-up of indexes.

Installing STS on UNIX™ operating systems

Unpack the download of STS to a suitable location on the file system, such as /opt or, if root access is not available, the home directory. (If the download was automatically unpacked by the operating system, simply move the unpacked directory to the chosen location.)

To verify the installation, run the STS executable (Eclipse.app on Mac OS X) in the unpacked directory and check that STS displays a welcome panel. The first time there may be a short delay due to the initial set-up of indexes.

Note about Java versions in STS

SpringSource Tools Suite runs on Eclipse using Java Version 1.5, and dm Server requires Java Version 1.6. The GreenPages application built here requires Java Version 1.6. Alter the default Java compiler settings in STS before proceeding.

Enter SpringSource Tools Suite Preferences and locate Java—Compiler settings. Adjust the Compiler compliance level to read 1.6. Other settings will automatically adjust.

A message similar to this may appear on the settings panel: When selecting 1.6 compliance, make sure to have a compatible JRE installed and activated (currently 1.5). A link to Configure this will appear. Selecting this link will open the Java—Installed JREs panel. If not already selected, choose a JRE suitable for Java Version 1.6.x (for example JVM 1.6.0). An offer to rebuild the workspace may be given, which should be accepted. The rebuild should take very little time to complete.