3. The Web based Administration Console

3.1 Authentication with the Admin Console

To use the SpringSource Admin Console, start the SpringSource dm Server and then enter the following URL in your browser of choice.


Replace localhost with the hostname of the computer on which the SpringSource dm Server is running if it is not the same as the computer on which you are running your browser. The Admin Console uses basic authentication, therefore you will need to enter the default administration ID and password.

ID: admin 
Password: springsource

To change the ID and password for the Admin Console, update the SERVER_HOME/config/servlet/tomcat-users.xml file, which is in the standard Tomcat users-file format. Change the values of the username and password attributes of the <user> element with the admin role. For example, if you want change the administration username to hamlet with password tobeornottobe change the file as follows:

<user username="hamlet" password="tobeornottobe" roles="admin">

The Admin Console runs against the admin role, therefore this cannot be changed.