Class AzureOpenAiChatClient

All Implemented Interfaces:
ChatClient, StreamingChatClient, ModelClient<Prompt,ChatResponse>, StreamingModelClient<Prompt,ChatResponse>

public class AzureOpenAiChatClient extends AbstractFunctionCallSupport<,,> implements ChatClient, StreamingChatClient
ChatClient implementation for Microsoft Azure AI backed by OpenAIClient.
Mark Pollack, Ueibin Kim, John Blum, Christian Tzolov
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AzureOpenAiChatClient

      public AzureOpenAiChatClient( microsoftOpenAiClient)
    • AzureOpenAiChatClient

      public AzureOpenAiChatClient( microsoftOpenAiClient, AzureOpenAiChatOptions options)
    • AzureOpenAiChatClient

      public AzureOpenAiChatClient( microsoftOpenAiClient, AzureOpenAiChatOptions options, FunctionCallbackContext functionCallbackContext)
  • Method Details

    • withDefaultOptions

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="0.8.0") public AzureOpenAiChatClient withDefaultOptions(AzureOpenAiChatOptions defaultOptions)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    • getDefaultOptions

      public AzureOpenAiChatOptions getDefaultOptions()
    • call

      public ChatResponse call(Prompt prompt)
      Description copied from interface: ModelClient
      Executes a method call to the AI model.
      Specified by:
      call in interface ChatClient
      Specified by:
      call in interface ModelClient<Prompt,ChatResponse>
      prompt - the request object to be sent to the AI model
      the response from the AI model
    • stream

      public reactor.core.publisher.Flux<ChatResponse> stream(Prompt prompt)
      Description copied from interface: StreamingModelClient
      Executes a method call to the AI model.
      Specified by:
      stream in interface StreamingChatClient
      Specified by:
      stream in interface StreamingModelClient<Prompt,ChatResponse>
      prompt - the request object to be sent to the AI model
      the streaming response from the AI model
    • doCreateToolResponseRequest

      protected doCreateToolResponseRequest( previousRequest, responseMessage, List<> conversationHistory)
      Specified by:
      doCreateToolResponseRequest in class AbstractFunctionCallSupport<,,>
    • doGetUserMessages

      protected List<> doGetUserMessages( request)
      Specified by:
      doGetUserMessages in class AbstractFunctionCallSupport<,,>
    • doGetToolResponseMessage

      protected doGetToolResponseMessage( response)
      Specified by:
      doGetToolResponseMessage in class AbstractFunctionCallSupport<,,>
    • doChatCompletion

      protected doChatCompletion( request)
      Specified by:
      doChatCompletion in class AbstractFunctionCallSupport<,,>
    • isToolFunctionCall

      protected boolean isToolFunctionCall( chatCompletions)
      Specified by:
      isToolFunctionCall in class AbstractFunctionCallSupport<,,>