All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAdaptableMessageListener |
An abstract MessageListener adapter providing the
necessary infrastructure to extract the payload of a Message .
AbstractAdaptableMessageListener.ReplyExpressionRoot |
Root object for reply expression evaluation.
AbstractBuilder |
Base class for builders supporting arguments.
AbstractCompressingPostProcessor |
Base class for post processors that compress the message body.
AbstractConnectionFactory |
AbstractConnectionFactory.AddressShuffleMode |
The mode used to shuffle the addresses.
AbstractDeclarable |
AbstractDecompressingPostProcessor |
AbstractDeflaterPostProcessor |
Base class for post processors based on Deflater .
AbstractExchange |
Common properties that describe all exchange types.
AbstractExchangeParser |
AbstractJackson2MessageConverter |
Abstract Jackson2 message converter.
AbstractJavaTypeMapper |
Abstract type mapper.
AbstractMessageConverter |
AbstractMessageListenerContainer |
AbstractMessageListenerContainer.JavaLangErrorHandler |
A handler for Error on the container thread(s).
AbstractMessageListenerContainer.SharedConnectionNotInitializedException |
Exception that indicates that the initial setup of this container's shared Rabbit Connection failed.
AbstractMessageListenerContainer.WrappedTransactionException |
AbstractRabbitListenerContainerFactory<C extends AbstractMessageListenerContainer> |
AbstractRabbitListenerEndpoint |
Base model for a Rabbit listener endpoint.
AbstractRetryOperationsInterceptorFactoryBean |
Convenient base class for interceptor factories.
AbstractRoutingConnectionFactory |
AcknowledgeMode |
Acknowledgment modes supported by the listener container.
ActiveObjectCounter<T> |
A mechanism to keep track of active objects.
Address |
Represents an address for publication of an AMQP message.
AfterCompletionFailedException |
Represents a failure to commit or rollback when performing afterCompletion
after the primary transaction completes.
AllowedListDeserializingMessageConverter |
MessageConverters that potentially use Java deserialization.
AmqpAdmin |
Specifies a basic set of portable AMQP administrative operations for AMQP > 0.9.
AmqpAppender |
A Log4j 2 appender that publishes logging events to an AMQP Exchange.
AmqpAppender |
A Logback appender that publishes logging events to an AMQP Exchange.
AmqpAppender.AmqpManager |
Manager class for the appender.
AmqpAppender.Builder |
AmqpAppender.Event |
Helper class to encapsulate a LoggingEvent, its MDC properties, and the number of retries.
AmqpAppender.Event |
Small helper class to encapsulate a LoggingEvent, its MDC properties, and the number of retries.
AmqpApplicationContextClosedException |
Thrown when the connection factory has been destroyed during
context close; the factory can no longer open connections.
AmqpAuthenticationException |
Runtime wrapper for an authentication exception.
AmqpClientInterceptor |
AmqpConnectException |
RuntimeException wrapper for an ConnectException which can be commonly
thrown from AMQP operations if the remote process dies or there is a network issue.
AmqpEvent |
Base class for events.
AmqpException |
Base RuntimeException for errors that occur when executing AMQP operations.
AmqpHeaderMapper |
Strategy interface for mapping messaging Message headers to an outbound
MessageProperties (e.g.
AmqpHeaders |
Pre-defined names and prefixes to be used for setting and/or retrieving AMQP
MessageProperties from/to Message Headers.
AmqpIllegalStateException |
Equivalent of an IllegalStateException but within the AmqpException hierarchy.
AmqpInvokerServiceExporter |
AmqpIOException |
RuntimeException wrapper for an IOException which
can be commonly thrown from AMQP operations.
AmqpMessageHeaderAccessor |
AmqpMessageReturnedException |
Exception thrown if the request message cannot be delivered when the mandatory flag is
AmqpNackReceivedException |
An exception thrown when a negative acknowledgement received after publishing a
AmqpProxyFactoryBean |
AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException |
Exception for listener implementations used to indicate the
basic.reject will be sent with requeue=false in order to enable
features such as DLQ.
AmqpRemoteException |
An exception that wraps an exception thrown by the server in a
request/reply scenario.
AmqpReplyTimeoutException |
Async reply timeout.
AmqpResourceNotAvailableException |
AmqpTemplate |
Specifies a basic set of AMQP operations.
AmqpTimeoutException |
Exception thrown when some time-bound operation fails to execute in the
desired time.
AmqpUnsupportedEncodingException |
RuntimeException for unsupported encoding in an AMQP operation.
AnonymousQueue |
Represents an anonymous, non-durable, exclusive, auto-delete queue.
Argument |
Represents an argument used when declaring queues etc within a
QueueBinding .
ArgumentBuilder |
A builder for argument maps.
AsyncAmqpTemplate |
Classes implementing this interface can perform asynchronous send and
receive operations.
AsyncConsumerRestartedEvent |
An event that is published whenever a consumer is restarted.
AsyncConsumerStartedEvent |
An event that is published whenever a new consumer is started.
AsyncConsumerStoppedEvent |
An event that is published whenever a consumer is stopped (and not restarted).
AsyncRabbitTemplate |
Provides asynchronous send and receive operations returning a ListenableFuture
allowing the caller to obtain the reply later, using get() or a callback.
AutoRecoverConnectionNotCurrentlyOpenException |
An exception thrown if the connection is an auto recover connection that is not
currently open and is in the process of being recovered.
Base64UrlNamingStrategy |
Generates names with the form <prefix><base64url> where 'prefix' is
'spring.gen-' by default (e.g.
BaseRabbitListenerContainerFactory<C extends MessageListenerContainer> |
Base abstract class for listener container factories.
BatchingRabbitTemplate |
A RabbitTemplate that permits batching individual messages into a larger
BatchingStrategy |
Strategy for batching messages.
BatchMessageListener |
Used to receive a batch of messages if the container supports it.
BatchMessagingMessageListenerAdapter |
A listener adapter for batch listeners.
Binding |
Simple container collecting information to describe a binding.
Binding.DestinationType |
The binding destination.
BindingBuilder |
Basic builder class to create bindings for a more fluent API style in code based configuration.
BindingBuilder.DestinationConfigurer |
General destination configurer.
BindingBuilder.DirectExchangeRoutingKeyConfigurer |
Direct exchange routing key configurer.
BindingBuilder.GenericArgumentsConfigurer |
Generic argument configurer.
BindingBuilder.GenericExchangeRoutingKeyConfigurer |
Generic exchange routing key configurer.
BindingBuilder.HeadersExchangeMapConfigurer |
Headers exchange configurer.
BindingBuilder.TopicExchangeRoutingKeyConfigurer |
Topic exchange routing key configurer.
BindingFactoryBean |
BlockingQueueConsumer |
Specialized consumer encapsulating knowledge of the broker
connections and having its own lifecycle (start and stop).
BrokerEvent |
Represents a broker event generated by the Event Exchange Plugin
BrokerEventListener |
When the event-exchange-plugin is enabled (see, if an object of this type is declared as
a bean, selected events will be published as BrokerEvent s.
BrokerRunning |
A rule that prevents integration tests from failing if the Rabbit broker application is
not running or not accessible.
BrokerRunningSupport |
A class that can be used to prevent integration tests from failing if the Rabbit broker application is
not running or not accessible.
BrokerRunningSupport.BrokerNotAliveException |
The RuntimeException thrown when broker is not available
on the provided host port.
BrokerTestUtils |
Global convenience class for all integration tests, carrying constants and other utilities for broker set up.
CachingConnectionFactory |
CachingConnectionFactory.CacheMode |
The cache mode.
CachingConnectionFactory.ConfirmType |
The type of publisher confirms to use.
ChannelAwareBatchMessageListener |
Used to receive a batch of messages if the container supports it.
ChannelAwareMessageListener |
A message listener that is aware of the Channel on which the message was received.
ChannelCallback<T> |
Basic callback for use in RabbitTemplate.
ChannelListener |
A listener for new channel creation and destruction.
ChannelProxy |
Subinterface of Channel to be implemented by
Channel proxies.
ClassMapper |
Strategy for setting metadata on messages such that one can create the class
that needs to be instantiated when receiving a message.
ClosingRecoveryListener |
A RecoveryListener that closes the recovered channel, to avoid
orphaned consumers.
CompositeChannelListener |
CompositeConnectionListener |
A composite listener that invokes its delegages in turn.
ConditionalExceptionLogger |
For components that support customization of the logging of certain events, users can
provide an implementation of this interface to modify the existing logging behavior.
ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler |
ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler.DefaultExceptionStrategy |
Connection |
ConnectionBlockedEvent |
The AmqpEvent emitted by the CachingConnectionFactory
when its connections are blocked.
ConnectionFactory |
An interface based ConnectionFactory for creating Connections .
ConnectionFactoryConfigurationUtils |
Utility methods for configuring connection factories.
ConnectionFactoryContextWrapper |
Helper class to handle ConnectionFactory context binding and unbinding when executing instructions.
ConnectionFactoryUtils |
Helper class for managing a Spring based Rabbit ConnectionFactory ,
in particular for obtaining transactional Rabbit resources for a given ConnectionFactory.
ConnectionFactoryUtils.ResourceFactory |
Callback interface for resource creation.
ConnectionListener |
A listener for connection creation and closing.
ConnectionNameStrategy |
A strategy to build an application-specific connection name,
which can be displayed in the management UI if RabbitMQ server supports it.
ConnectionProxy |
Subinterface of Connection to be implemented by
Connection proxies.
ConnectionUnblockedEvent |
The AmqpEvent emitted by the CachingConnectionFactory
when its connections are unblocked.
ConsumeOkEvent |
An AmqpEvent emitted by the listener container
when consumer is subscribed to the queue.
ConsumeOkNotReceivedException |
Thrown when a blocking receive operation is performed but the consumeOk
was not received before the receive timeout.
ConsumerCancelledException |
Thrown when the broker cancels the consumer and the message
queue is drained.
ConsumerChannelRegistry |
Consumers register their primary channels with this class.
ConsumerCustomizer |
Customizer for ConsumerBuilder .
ConsumerTagStrategy |
A strategy interface to determine the consumer tag to be used when issuing a
basicConsume operation.
ContainerCustomizer<C extends MessageListenerContainer> |
Called by the container factory after the container is created and configured.
ContainerUtils |
Utility methods for listener containers.
ContentTypeDelegatingMessageConverter |
Correlation |
A marker interface for data used to correlate information about sent messages.
CorrelationData |
Base class for correlating publisher confirms to sent messages.
CorrelationData.Confirm |
Represents a publisher confirmation.
CorrelationDataPostProcessor |
A callback invoked immediately before publishing a message to update, replace, or
create correlation data for publisher confirms.
CustomExchange |
Simple container collecting information to describe a custom exchange.
Declarable |
Classes implementing this interface can be auto-declared
with the broker during context initialization by an AmqpAdmin .
DeclarableCustomizer |
Beans of this type are invoked by the AmqpAdmin before declaring the
Declarable , allowing customization thereof.
Declarables |
A collection of Declarable objects; used to declare multiple objects on the
broker using a single bean declaration for the collection.
DeclarationExceptionEvent |
Application event published when a declaration exception occurs.
DeclareExchangeConnectionListener |
A ConnectionListener that will declare a single exchange when the
connection is established.
DefaultClassMapper |
DefaultJackson2JavaTypeMapper |
Jackson 2 type mapper.
DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter |
DefaultStreamMessageConverter |
DeflaterPostProcessor |
DelegatingDecompressingPostProcessor |
DelegatingInvocableHandler |
Delivery |
Encapsulates an arbitrary message - simple "bean" holder structure.
DirectExchange |
Simple container collecting information to describe a direct exchange.
DirectExchangeParser |
DirectMessageListenerContainer |
The SimpleMessageListenerContainer is not so simple.
DirectRabbitListenerContainerFactory |
DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer |
DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer.ChannelHolder |
Holder for a channel; contains a consumer epoch used to prevent inappropriate release
of the consumer after it has been allocated for reuse.
EnableRabbit |
Exchange |
Interface for all exchanges.
Exchange |
An exchange to which to bind a RabbitListener queue.
ExchangeBuilder |
Builder providing a fluent API for building Exchange s.
ExchangeTypes |
Constants for the standard Exchange type names.
ExpressionFactoryBean |
FactoryBean for creating Expression instances.
FanoutExchange |
Simple container collecting information to describe a fanout exchange.
FanoutExchangeParser |
FatalExceptionStrategy |
A strategy interface for the ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler to
decide whether an exception should be considered to be fatal and the
message should not be requeued.
FatalListenerExecutionException |
Exception to be thrown when the execution of a listener method failed with an
irrecoverable problem.
FatalListenerStartupException |
Exception to be thrown when the execution of a listener method failed on startup.
GUnzipPostProcessor |
A post processor that uses a GZIPInputStream to decompress the
message body.
GZipPostProcessor |
HandlerAdapter |
HeadersExchange |
Headers exchange.
HeadersExchangeParser |
ImmediateAcknowledgeAmqpException |
Special exception for listener implementations that want to signal that the current
batch of messages should be acknowledged immediately (i.e.
ImmediateRequeueAmqpException |
ImmediateRequeueMessageRecoverer |
InflaterPostProcessor |
InvocationResult |
The result of a listener method invocation.
Jackson2JavaTypeMapper |
Strategy for setting metadata on messages such that one can create the class that needs
to be instantiated when receiving a message.
Jackson2JavaTypeMapper.TypePrecedence |
The precedence for type conversion - inferred from the method parameter or message
Jackson2JsonMessageConverter |
JSON converter that uses the Jackson 2 Json library.
Jackson2XmlMessageConverter |
XML converter that uses the Jackson 2 Xml library.
JavaUtils |
Chained utility methods to simplify some Java repetitive code.
JUnitUtils |
Utility methods for JUnit rules and conditions.
JUnitUtils.LevelsContainer |
LambdaAnswer<T> |
An Answer to optionally call the real method and allow
returning a custom result.
LambdaAnswer.ValueToReturn<T> |
LatchCountDownAndCallRealMethodAnswer |
An Answer for void returning methods that calls the real
method and counts down a latch.
ListenerContainerAware |
MessageListener s that also implement this
interface can have configuration verified during initialization.
ListenerContainerConsumerFailedEvent |
Published when a listener consumer fails.
ListenerContainerConsumerTerminatedEvent |
Published when a listener consumer is terminated.
ListenerContainerFactoryBean |
A Factory bean to create a listener container.
ListenerContainerFactoryBean.Type |
The container type.
ListenerContainerIdleEvent |
An event that is emitted when a container is idle if the container
is configured to do so.
ListenerExecutionFailedException |
Exception to be thrown when the execution of a listener method failed.
ListenerFailedRuleBasedTransactionAttribute |
LocalizedQueueConnectionFactory |
A RoutingConnectionFactory that determines the node on which a queue is located and
returns a factory that connects directly to that node.
LogLevelAdjuster |
A JUnit method @Rule that changes the logger level for a set of classes
while a test method is running.
LogLevels |
Test classes annotated with this will change logging levels between tests.
LogLevelsCondition |
JUnit condition that adjusts and reverts log levels before/after each test.
LongRunning |
Test classes annotated with this will not run if an environment variable or system
property (default RUN_LONG_INTEGRATION_TESTS ) is not present or does not have
the value that Boolean.parseBoolean(String) evaluates to true .
LongRunningIntegrationTest |
Rule to prevent long running tests from running on every build; set environment
variable RUN_LONG_INTEGRATION_TESTS on a CI nightly build to ensure coverage.
LongRunningIntegrationTestCondition |
ExecutionCondition to skip long running tests unless an environment
variable or property is set.
MapBuilder<B extends MapBuilder<B,K,V>,K,V> |
A Builder pattern implementation for a Map .
MarshallingMessageConverter |
Message |
The 0-8 and 0-9-1 AMQP specifications do not define an Message class or interface.
MessageBatch |
An object encapsulating a Message containing the batch of messages,
the exchange, and routing key.
MessageBatchRecoverer |
A retry recoverer for use with a batch listener.
MessageBuilder |
Builds a Spring AMQP Message either from a byte[] body or
another Message using a fluent API.
MessageBuilderSupport<T> |
MessageConversionException |
Exception to be thrown by message converters if they encounter a problem with converting a message or object.
MessageConverter |
Message converter interface.
MessageDeliveryMode |
Enumeration for the message delivery mode.
MessageKeyGenerator |
MessageListener |
Listener interface to receive asynchronous delivery of Amqp Messages.
MessageListenerAdapter |
Message listener adapter that delegates the handling of messages to target listener methods via reflection, with
flexible message type conversion.
MessageListenerContainer |
Internal abstraction used by the framework representing a message
listener container.
MessagePostProcessor |
Used in several places in the framework, such as
AmqpTemplate#convertAndSend(Object, MessagePostProcessor) where it can be used
to add/modify headers or properties after the message conversion has been performed.
MessagePostProcessorUtils |
Utilities for message post processors.
MessageProperties |
Message Properties for an AMQP message.
MessagePropertiesBuilder |
Builds a Spring AMQP MessageProperties object using a fluent API.
MessagePropertiesConverter |
Strategy interface for converting between Spring AMQP MessageProperties
and RabbitMQ BasicProperties.
MessageRecoverer |
Implementations of this interface can handle failed messages after retries are
MessageRejectedWhileStoppingException |
Exception class that indicates a rejected message on shutdown.
MessagingMessageConverter |
MessagingMessageListenerAdapter |
MethodRabbitListenerEndpoint |
MethodRabbitListenerEndpoint.AdapterProvider |
Provider of listener adapters.
MissingQueueEvent |
Event published when a missing queue is detected.
MultiMethodRabbitListenerEndpoint |
MultiRabbitBootstrapConfiguration |
MultiRabbitListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor |
An extension of RabbitListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor that indicates the proper
RabbitAdmin bean to be used when processing to the listeners, and also associates it to the
declarables (Exchanges, Queues, and Bindings) returned.
NamespaceUtils |
Shared utility methods for namespace parsers.
NamingStrategy |
A strategy to generate names.
NewMessageIdentifier |
An optimization for stateful retry of message processing.
PendingConfirm |
Instances of this object track pending publisher confirms.
PooledChannelConnectionFactory |
A very simple connection factory that caches channels using Apache Pool2
GenericObjectPool s (one for transactional and one for non-transactional
ProducerCustomizer |
Called to enable customization of the ProducerBuilder when a new producer is
ProjectingMessageConverter |
Uses a Spring Data ProjectionFactory to bind incoming messages to projection
PublisherCallbackChannel |
Instances of this interface support a single listener being
registered for publisher confirms with multiple channels,
by adding context to the callbacks.
PublisherCallbackChannel.Listener |
Listeners implementing this interface can participate
in publisher confirms received from multiple channels,
by invoking addListener on each channel.
PublisherCallbackChannelFactory |
PublisherCallbackChannelImpl |
Channel wrapper to allow a single listener able to handle
confirms from multiple channels.
Queue |
Simple container collecting information to describe a queue.
Queue |
A queue definition used within the bindings attribute of a QueueBinding .
QueueBinding |
Defines a queue, the exchange it is to be bound to, and an optional binding key; used
with @RabbitListener .
QueueBuilder |
Builds a Spring AMQP Queue using a fluent API.
QueueBuilder.LeaderLocator |
Locate the queue leader.
QueueBuilder.MasterLocator |
QueueBuilder.Overflow |
Overflow argument values.
QueueInformation |
Information about a queue, resulting from a passive declaration.
QueueParser |
QueuesNotAvailableException |
This exception indicates that a consumer could not be started because none of
its queues are available for listening.
RabbitAccessor |
RabbitAdmin |
RabbitMQ implementation of portable AMQP administrative operations for AMQP >= 0.9.1.
RabbitAdminEvent |
Base class for admin events.
RabbitAvailable |
Test classes annotated with this will not run if there is no broker on localhost.
RabbitAvailableCondition |
JUnit5 ExecutionCondition .
RabbitBootstrapConfiguration |
RabbitConnectionFactoryBean |
Factory bean to create a RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory, delegating most setter methods and
optionally enabling SSL, with or without certificate validation.
RabbitExceptionTranslator |
Translates Rabbit Exceptions to the AmqpException class
RabbitGatewaySupport |
Convenient super class for application classes that need RabbitMQ access.
RabbitHandler |
Annotation that marks a method to be the target of a Rabbit message
listener within a class that is annotated with RabbitListener .
RabbitListener |
RabbitListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor |
Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with RabbitListener
to be invoked by a AMQP message listener container created under the cover
by a RabbitListenerContainerFactory
according to the parameters of the annotation.
RabbitListenerConfigurationSelector |
RabbitListenerConfigurer |
Optional interface to be implemented by Spring managed bean willing
to customize how Rabbit listener endpoints are configured.
RabbitListenerConfigUtils |
Configuration constants for internal sharing across subpackages.
RabbitListenerContainerFactory<C extends MessageListenerContainer> |
RabbitListenerEndpoint |
Model for a Rabbit listener endpoint.
RabbitListenerEndpointRegistrar |
RabbitListenerEndpointRegistry |
RabbitListenerErrorHandler |
An error handler which is called when a {code @RabbitListener} method
throws an exception.
RabbitListeners |
Container annotation that aggregates several RabbitListener annotations.
RabbitListenerTest |
Annotate a @Configuration class with this to enable proxying
@RabbitListener beans to capture arguments and result (if any).
RabbitListenerTestBootstrap |
RabbitListenerTestHarness |
RabbitListenerTestHarness.InvocationData |
RabbitListenerTestSelector |
RabbitMessageOperations |
RabbitMessagingTemplate |
RabbitNamespaceHandler |
Namespace handler for Rabbit.
RabbitNamespaceUtils |
RabbitOperations |
Rabbit specific methods for Amqp functionality.
RabbitOperations.OperationsCallback<T> |
Callback for using the same channel for multiple RabbitTemplate
RabbitResourceHolder |
Rabbit resource holder, wrapping a RabbitMQ Connection and Channel.
RabbitStreamOperations |
Provides methods for sending messages using a RabbitMQ Stream producer.
RabbitStreamTemplate |
RabbitTemplate |
Helper class that simplifies synchronous RabbitMQ access (sending and receiving messages).
RabbitTemplate.ConfirmCallback |
A callback for publisher confirmations.
RabbitTemplate.ReturnCallback |
RabbitTemplate.ReturnsCallback |
A callback for returned messages.
RabbitTemplate.TemplateConsumer |
RabbitTransactionManager |
RabbitUtils |
ReceiveAndReplyCallback<R,S> |
To be used with the receive-and-reply methods of AmqpTemplate
as processor for inbound object and producer for outbound object.
ReceiveAndReplyMessageCallback |
RejectAndDontRequeueRecoverer |
MessageRecover that causes the listener container to reject
the message without requeuing.
RemoteInvocationAwareMessageConverterAdapter |
A delegating adapter that unwraps RemoteInvocationResult after invoking
the delegate to convert from a message.
ReplyFailureException |
Exception to be thrown when the reply of a message failed to be sent.
ReplyingMessageListener<T,R> |
ReplyPostProcessor |
A post processor for replies.
ReplyToAddressCallback<T> |
RepublishMessageRecoverer |
MessageRecoverer implementation that republishes recovered messages
to a specified exchange with the exception stack trace stored in the
message header x-exception.
RepublishMessageRecovererWithConfirms |
RetryInterceptorBuilder<B extends RetryInterceptorBuilder<B,T>,T extends MethodInterceptor> |
Simplified facade to make it easier and simpler to build a
StatefulRetryOperationsInterceptor or
(stateless) RetryOperationsInterceptor
by providing a fluent interface to defining the behavior on error.
RetryInterceptorBuilder.StatefulRetryInterceptorBuilder |
Builder for a stateful interceptor.
RetryInterceptorBuilder.StatelessRetryInterceptorBuilder |
Builder for a stateless interceptor.
ReturnedMessage |
Returned message and its metadata.
RoutingConnectionFactory |
Implementations select a connection factory based on a supplied key.
SendRetryContextAccessor |
Type safe accessor for retried message sending.
SerializationUtils |
Static utility to help with serialization.
SerializerMessageConverter |
ShutDownChannelListener |
Functional sub interface enabling a lambda for the onShutDown method.
SimpleAmqpHeaderMapper |
SimpleBatchingStrategy |
A simple batching strategy that supports only one exchange/routingKey; includes a batch
size, a batched message size limit and a timeout.
SimpleConnection |
Simply a Connection.
SimpleMessageConverter |
Implementation of MessageConverter that can work with Strings, Serializable
instances, or byte arrays.
SimpleMessageListenerContainer |
SimplePropertyValueConnectionNameStrategy |
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory |
SimpleRabbitListenerEndpoint |
SimpleResourceHolder |
Central helper that manages resources per thread to be used by resource management
SimpleRoutingConnectionFactory |
SmartMessageConverter |
SpringRabbitTest |
Adds infrastructure beans to a Spring test context; do not use with Spring Boot since
it has its own auto configuration mechanism.
SpringRabbitTest.ContainerType |
Container type.
StatefulRetryOperationsInterceptorFactoryBean |
Convenient factory bean for creating a stateful retry interceptor for use in a message listener container, giving you
a large amount of control over the behaviour of a container when a listener fails.
StatelessRetryOperationsInterceptorFactoryBean |
Convenient factory bean for creating a stateless retry interceptor for use in a message listener container, giving
you a large amount of control over the behaviour of a container when a listener fails.
StreamListenerContainer |
A listener container for RabbitMQ Streams.
StreamMessageConverter |
Converts between Message and
Message .
StreamMessageListener |
A message listener that receives native stream messages.
StreamMessageListenerAdapter |
A listener adapter that receives native stream messages.
StreamMessageProperties |
StreamMessageRecoverer |
Implementations of this interface can handle failed messages after retries are
StreamRabbitListenerContainerFactory |
Factory for StreamListenerContainer.
StreamRetryOperationsInterceptorFactoryBean |
Convenient factory bean for creating a stateless retry interceptor for use in a
StreamListenerContainer when consuming native stream messages, giving you a
large amount of control over the behavior of a container when a listener fails.
StreamSendException |
Used to complete the future exceptionally when sending fails.
TestRabbitTemplate |
TestUtils |
See Spring Integration TestUtils.
ThreadChannelConnectionFactory |
A very simple connection factory that caches a channel per thread.
TopicExchange |
Simple container collecting information to describe a topic exchange.
TopicExchangeParser |
UncategorizedAmqpException |
A "catch-all" exception type within the AmqpException hierarchy
when no more specific cause is known.
UnzipPostProcessor |
A post processor that uses a ZipInputStream to decompress the
message body.
UUIDNamingStrategy |
ValueExpression<V> |
A very simple hardcoded implementation of the Expression
interface that represents an immutable value.
ZipPostProcessor |