Class ConnectionFactoryUtils


public final class ConnectionFactoryUtils extends Object
Helper class for managing a Spring based Rabbit ConnectionFactory, in particular for obtaining transactional Rabbit resources for a given ConnectionFactory.

Mainly for internal use within the framework. Used by RabbitTemplate as well as SimpleMessageListenerContainer.

Mark Fisher, Dave Syer, Gary Russell, Artem Bilan
  • Method Details

    • isChannelTransactional

      public static boolean isChannelTransactional(com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
      Determine whether the given RabbitMQ Channel is transactional, that is, bound to the current thread by Spring's transaction facilities.
      channel - the RabbitMQ Channel to check
      connectionFactory - the RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory that the Channel originated from
      whether the Channel is transactional
    • getTransactionalResourceHolder

      public static RabbitResourceHolder getTransactionalResourceHolder(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, boolean synchedLocalTransactionAllowed)
      Obtain a RabbitMQ Channel that is synchronized with the current transaction, if any.
      connectionFactory - the ConnectionFactory to obtain a Channel for
      synchedLocalTransactionAllowed - whether to allow for a local RabbitMQ transaction that is synchronized with a Spring-managed transaction (where the main transaction might be a JDBC-based one for a specific DataSource, for example), with the RabbitMQ transaction committing right after the main transaction. If not allowed, the given ConnectionFactory needs to handle transaction enlistment underneath the covers.
      the transactional Channel, or null if none found
    • getTransactionalResourceHolder

      public static RabbitResourceHolder getTransactionalResourceHolder(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, boolean synchedLocalTransactionAllowed, boolean publisherConnectionIfPossible)
      Obtain a RabbitMQ Channel that is synchronized with the current transaction, if any.
      connectionFactory - the ConnectionFactory to obtain a Channel for
      synchedLocalTransactionAllowed - whether to allow for a local RabbitMQ transaction that is synchronized with a Spring-managed transaction (where the main transaction might be a JDBC-based one for a specific DataSource, for example), with the RabbitMQ transaction committing right after the main transaction. If not allowed, the given ConnectionFactory needs to handle transaction enlistment underneath the covers.
      publisherConnectionIfPossible - obtain a connection from a separate publisher connection if possible.
      the transactional Channel, or null if none found
    • releaseResources

      public static void releaseResources(@Nullable RabbitResourceHolder resourceHolder)
    • bindResourceToTransaction

      public static @Nullable RabbitResourceHolder bindResourceToTransaction(RabbitResourceHolder resourceHolder, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, boolean synched)
    • enableAfterCompletionFailureCapture

      public static void enableAfterCompletionFailureCapture(boolean enable)
      Call this method to enable capturing AfterCompletionFailedExceptions when using transaction synchronization. Exceptions are stored in a ThreadLocal which must be cleared by calling checkAfterCompletion() after the transaction has completed.
      enable - true to enable capture.
    • checkAfterCompletion

      public static void checkAfterCompletion()
      When using transaction synchronization, call this method after the transaction commits to verify that the RabbitMQ transaction committed.
      AfterCompletionFailedException - if synchronization failed.
    • registerDeliveryTag

      public static void registerDeliveryTag(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel, Long tag)
    • createConnection

      public static Connection createConnection(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, boolean publisherConnectionIfPossible)
      Create a connection with this connection factory and/or its publisher factory.
      connectionFactory - the connection factory.
      publisherConnectionIfPossible - true to use the publisher factory, if present.
      the connection.