Spring for Android

Package org.springframework.http

Interface Summary
HttpInputMessage Represents an HTTP input message, consisting of headers and a readable body.
HttpMessage Represents the base interface for HTTP request and response messages.
HttpOutputMessage Represents an HTTP output message, consisting of headers and a writable body.
HttpRequest Represents an HTTP request message, consisting of method and uri.

Class Summary
ContentCodingType Represents a Compression Type, as defined in the HTTP specification.
HttpAuthentication Represents an abstract HTTP Authentication.
HttpBasicAuthentication Represents HTTP Basic Authentication.
HttpEntity<T> Represents an HTTP request or response entity, consisting of headers and body.
HttpHeaders Represents HTTP request and response headers, mapping string header names to list of string values.
MediaType Represents an Internet Media Type, as defined in the HTTP specification.
ResponseEntity<T> Extension of HttpEntity that adds a HttpStatus status code.

Enum Summary
HttpMethod Java 5 enumeration of HTTP request methods.
HttpStatus Java 5 enumeration of HTTP status codes.
HttpStatus.Series Java 5 enumeration of HTTP status series.

Spring for Android