Spring for Android

Interface DisposableBean

All Known Implementing Classes:
CommonsClientHttpRequestFactory, HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory

public interface DisposableBean

Interface to be implemented by beans that want to release resources on destruction. A BeanFactory is supposed to invoke the destroy method if it disposes a cached singleton. An application context is supposed to dispose all of its singletons on close.

An alternative to implementing DisposableBean is specifying a custom destroy-method, for example in an XML bean definition. For a list of all bean lifecycle methods, see the BeanFactory javadocs.

Juergen Hoeller

Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Invoked by a BeanFactory on destruction of a singleton.

Method Detail


void destroy()
             throws java.lang.Exception
Invoked by a BeanFactory on destruction of a singleton.

java.lang.Exception - in case of shutdown errors. Exceptions will get logged but not rethrown to allow other beans to release their resources too.

Spring for Android