This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Authorization Server 1.4.2! |
How-to: Implement core services with JPA
This guide shows how to implement the core services of Spring Authorization Server with JPA. The purpose of this guide is to provide a starting point for implementing these services yourself, with the intention that you can make modifications to suit your needs.
Define the data model
This guide provides a starting point for the data model and uses the simplest possible structure and data types. To come up with the initial schema, we begin by reviewing the domain objects used by the core services.
Except for token, state, metadata, settings, and claims values, we use the JPA default column length of 255 for all columns. In reality, the length and even type of columns you use may need to be customized. You are encouraged to experiment and test before deploying to production. |
Client Schema
The RegisteredClient
domain object contains a few multi-valued fields and some settings fields that require storing arbitrary key/value data.
The following listing shows the client
id varchar(255) NOT NULL,
clientId varchar(255) NOT NULL,
clientSecret varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
clientSecretExpiresAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
clientName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
clientAuthenticationMethods varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
authorizationGrantTypes varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
redirectUris varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
postLogoutRedirectUris varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
scopes varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
clientSettings varchar(2000) NOT NULL,
tokenSettings varchar(2000) NOT NULL,
Authorization Schema
The OAuth2Authorization
domain object is more complex and contains several multi-valued fields as well as numerous arbitrarily long token values, metadata, settings and claims values.
The built-in JDBC implementation utilizes a flattened structure that prefers performance over normalization, which we adopt here as well.
It has been difficult to find a flattened database schema that works well in all cases and with all database vendors. You may need to normalize or heavily alter the following schema for your needs. |
The following listing shows the authorization
CREATE TABLE authorization (
id varchar(255) NOT NULL,
registeredClientId varchar(255) NOT NULL,
principalName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
authorizationGrantType varchar(255) NOT NULL,
authorizedScopes varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
attributes varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL,
state varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,
authorizationCodeValue varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL,
authorizationCodeIssuedAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
authorizationCodeExpiresAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
authorizationCodeMetadata varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
accessTokenValue varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL,
accessTokenIssuedAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
accessTokenExpiresAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
accessTokenMetadata varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
accessTokenType varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
accessTokenScopes varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
refreshTokenValue varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL,
refreshTokenIssuedAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
refreshTokenExpiresAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
refreshTokenMetadata varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
oidcIdTokenValue varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL,
oidcIdTokenIssuedAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
oidcIdTokenExpiresAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
oidcIdTokenMetadata varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
oidcIdTokenClaims varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
userCodeValue varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL,
userCodeIssuedAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
userCodeExpiresAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
userCodeMetadata varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
deviceCodeValue varchar(4000) DEFAULT NULL,
deviceCodeIssuedAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
deviceCodeExpiresAt timestamp DEFAULT NULL,
deviceCodeMetadata varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL,
Authorization Consent Schema
The OAuth2AuthorizationConsent
domain object is the simplest to model and contains only a single multi-valued field in addition to a composite key.
The following listing shows the authorizationconsent
CREATE TABLE authorizationConsent (
registeredClientId varchar(255) NOT NULL,
principalName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
authorities varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (registeredClientId, principalName)
Create JPA entities
The preceding schema examples provide a reference for the structure of the entities we need to create.
The following entities are minimally annotated and are just examples. They allow the schema to be created dynamically and therefore do not require the above sql scripts to be executed manually. |
Client Entity
The following listing shows the Client
entity, which is used to persist information mapped from the RegisteredClient
domain object.
import java.time.Instant;
import jakarta.persistence.Column;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.Id;
import jakarta.persistence.Table;
@Table(name = "`client`")
public class Client {
private String id;
private String clientId;
private Instant clientIdIssuedAt;
private String clientSecret;
private Instant clientSecretExpiresAt;
private String clientName;
@Column(length = 1000)
private String clientAuthenticationMethods;
@Column(length = 1000)
private String authorizationGrantTypes;
@Column(length = 1000)
private String redirectUris;
@Column(length = 1000)
private String postLogoutRedirectUris;
@Column(length = 1000)
private String scopes;
@Column(length = 2000)
private String clientSettings;
@Column(length = 2000)
private String tokenSettings;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getClientId() {
return clientId;
public void setClientId(String clientId) {
this.clientId = clientId;
public Instant getClientIdIssuedAt() {
return clientIdIssuedAt;
public void setClientIdIssuedAt(Instant clientIdIssuedAt) {
this.clientIdIssuedAt = clientIdIssuedAt;
public String getClientSecret() {
return clientSecret;
public void setClientSecret(String clientSecret) {
this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
public Instant getClientSecretExpiresAt() {
return clientSecretExpiresAt;
public void setClientSecretExpiresAt(Instant clientSecretExpiresAt) {
this.clientSecretExpiresAt = clientSecretExpiresAt;
public String getClientName() {
return clientName;
public void setClientName(String clientName) {
this.clientName = clientName;
public String getClientAuthenticationMethods() {
return clientAuthenticationMethods;
public void setClientAuthenticationMethods(String clientAuthenticationMethods) {
this.clientAuthenticationMethods = clientAuthenticationMethods;
public String getAuthorizationGrantTypes() {
return authorizationGrantTypes;
public void setAuthorizationGrantTypes(String authorizationGrantTypes) {
this.authorizationGrantTypes = authorizationGrantTypes;
public String getRedirectUris() {
return redirectUris;
public void setRedirectUris(String redirectUris) {
this.redirectUris = redirectUris;
public String getPostLogoutRedirectUris() {
return this.postLogoutRedirectUris;
public void setPostLogoutRedirectUris(String postLogoutRedirectUris) {
this.postLogoutRedirectUris = postLogoutRedirectUris;
public String getScopes() {
return scopes;
public void setScopes(String scopes) {
this.scopes = scopes;
public String getClientSettings() {
return clientSettings;
public void setClientSettings(String clientSettings) {
this.clientSettings = clientSettings;
public String getTokenSettings() {
return tokenSettings;
public void setTokenSettings(String tokenSettings) {
this.tokenSettings = tokenSettings;
Authorization Entity
The following listing shows the Authorization
entity, which is used to persist information mapped from the OAuth2Authorization
domain object.
Authorization Consent Entity
The following listing shows the AuthorizationConsent
entity, which is used to persist information mapped from the OAuth2AuthorizationConsent
domain object.
Create Spring Data repositories
By closely examining the interfaces of each core service and reviewing the Jdbc
implementations, we can derive a minimal set of queries needed for supporting a JPA version of each interface.
Client Repository
The following listing shows the ClientRepository
, which is able to find a Client
by the id
and clientId
import java.util.Optional;
import sample.jpa.entity.client.Client;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
public interface ClientRepository extends JpaRepository<Client, String> {
Optional<Client> findByClientId(String clientId);
Authorization Repository
The following listing shows the AuthorizationRepository
, which is able to find an Authorization
by the id
field as well as the state
, authorizationCodeValue
, accessTokenValue
, refreshTokenValue
, userCodeValue
and deviceCodeValue
token fields.
It also allows querying a combination of token fields.
Authorization Consent Repository
The following listing shows the AuthorizationConsentRepository
, which is able to find and delete an AuthorizationConsent
by the registeredClientId
and principalName
fields that form a composite primary key.
Implement core services
With the above entities and repositories, we can begin implementing the core services.
By reviewing the Jdbc
implementations, we can derive a minimal set of internal utilities for converting to and from string values for enumerations and reading and writing JSON data for attributes, settings, metadata and claims fields.
Keep in mind that writing JSON data to text columns with a fixed length has proven problematic with the Jdbc implementations.
While these examples continue to do so, you may need to split these fields out into a separate table or data store that supports arbitrarily long data values.
Registered Client Repository
The following listing shows the JpaRegisteredClientRepository
, which uses a ClientRepository
for persisting a Client
and maps to and from the RegisteredClient
domain object.
Implementationimport java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import sample.jpa.entity.client.Client;
import sample.jpa.repository.client.ClientRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
public class JpaRegisteredClientRepository implements RegisteredClientRepository {
private final ClientRepository clientRepository;
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
public JpaRegisteredClientRepository(ClientRepository clientRepository) {
Assert.notNull(clientRepository, "clientRepository cannot be null");
this.clientRepository = clientRepository;
ClassLoader classLoader = JpaRegisteredClientRepository.class.getClassLoader();
List<Module> securityModules = SecurityJackson2Modules.getModules(classLoader);
this.objectMapper.registerModule(new OAuth2AuthorizationServerJackson2Module());
public void save(RegisteredClient registeredClient) {
Assert.notNull(registeredClient, "registeredClient cannot be null");;
public RegisteredClient findById(String id) {
Assert.hasText(id, "id cannot be empty");
return this.clientRepository.findById(id).map(this::toObject).orElse(null);
public RegisteredClient findByClientId(String clientId) {
Assert.hasText(clientId, "clientId cannot be empty");
return this.clientRepository.findByClientId(clientId).map(this::toObject).orElse(null);
private RegisteredClient toObject(Client client) {
Set<String> clientAuthenticationMethods = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToSet(
Set<String> authorizationGrantTypes = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToSet(
Set<String> redirectUris = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToSet(
Set<String> postLogoutRedirectUris = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToSet(
Set<String> clientScopes = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToSet(
RegisteredClient.Builder builder = RegisteredClient.withId(client.getId())
.clientAuthenticationMethods(authenticationMethods ->
clientAuthenticationMethods.forEach(authenticationMethod ->
.authorizationGrantTypes((grantTypes) ->
authorizationGrantTypes.forEach(grantType ->
.redirectUris((uris) -> uris.addAll(redirectUris))
.postLogoutRedirectUris((uris) -> uris.addAll(postLogoutRedirectUris))
.scopes((scopes) -> scopes.addAll(clientScopes));
Map<String, Object> clientSettingsMap = parseMap(client.getClientSettings());
Map<String, Object> tokenSettingsMap = parseMap(client.getTokenSettings());
private Client toEntity(RegisteredClient registeredClient) {
List<String> clientAuthenticationMethods = new ArrayList<>(registeredClient.getClientAuthenticationMethods().size());
registeredClient.getClientAuthenticationMethods().forEach(clientAuthenticationMethod ->
List<String> authorizationGrantTypes = new ArrayList<>(registeredClient.getAuthorizationGrantTypes().size());
registeredClient.getAuthorizationGrantTypes().forEach(authorizationGrantType ->
Client entity = new Client();
return entity;
private Map<String, Object> parseMap(String data) {
try {
return this.objectMapper.readValue(data, new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
private String writeMap(Map<String, Object> data) {
try {
return this.objectMapper.writeValueAsString(data);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
private static AuthorizationGrantType resolveAuthorizationGrantType(String authorizationGrantType) {
if (AuthorizationGrantType.AUTHORIZATION_CODE.getValue().equals(authorizationGrantType)) {
return AuthorizationGrantType.AUTHORIZATION_CODE;
} else if (AuthorizationGrantType.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS.getValue().equals(authorizationGrantType)) {
return AuthorizationGrantType.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS;
} else if (AuthorizationGrantType.REFRESH_TOKEN.getValue().equals(authorizationGrantType)) {
return AuthorizationGrantType.REFRESH_TOKEN;
return new AuthorizationGrantType(authorizationGrantType); // Custom authorization grant type
private static ClientAuthenticationMethod resolveClientAuthenticationMethod(String clientAuthenticationMethod) {
if (ClientAuthenticationMethod.CLIENT_SECRET_BASIC.getValue().equals(clientAuthenticationMethod)) {
return ClientAuthenticationMethod.CLIENT_SECRET_BASIC;
} else if (ClientAuthenticationMethod.CLIENT_SECRET_POST.getValue().equals(clientAuthenticationMethod)) {
return ClientAuthenticationMethod.CLIENT_SECRET_POST;
} else if (ClientAuthenticationMethod.NONE.getValue().equals(clientAuthenticationMethod)) {
return ClientAuthenticationMethod.NONE;
return new ClientAuthenticationMethod(clientAuthenticationMethod); // Custom client authentication method
Authorization Service
The following listing shows the JpaOAuth2AuthorizationService
, which uses an AuthorizationRepository
for persisting an Authorization
and maps to and from the OAuth2Authorization
domain object.
Authorization Consent Service
The following listing shows the JpaOAuth2AuthorizationConsentService
, which uses an AuthorizationConsentRepository
for persisting an AuthorizationConsent
and maps to and from the OAuth2AuthorizationConsent
domain object.