Package org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform

Infrastructure implementations of io file support transform concerns.


Interface Summary
LineAggregator Interface used to create string used to create string representing object.
LineTokenizer Interface that is used by framework to split string obtained typically from a file into tokens.

Class Summary
DelimitedLineAggregator Class used to create string representing object.
FixedLengthLineAggregator LineAggregator implementation which produces line by aggregating provided strings into columns with fixed length.
FixedLengthTokenizer Tokenizer used to process data obtained from files with fixed-length format.
LineAggregatorItemTransformer An ItemTransformer that expects a String[] as input and delegates to a LineAggregator.
Range A class to represent ranges.
RangeArrayPropertyEditor Property editor implementation which parses string and creates array of ranges.
RecursiveCollectionItemTransformer An implementation of ItemTransformer that treats its argument specially if it is an array or collection.

Exception Summary

Package org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform Description

Infrastructure implementations of io file support transform concerns.

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