Class CompositeRepeatListener

  extended by org.springframework.batch.repeat.listener.CompositeRepeatListener
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CompositeRepeatListener
extends Object
implements RepeatListener

Dave Syer

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void after(RepeatContext context, RepeatStatus result)
          Called by the framework after each item has been processed, unless the item processing results in an exception.
 void before(RepeatContext context)
          Called by the framework before each batch item.
 void close(RepeatContext context)
          Called once at the end of a complete batch, after normal or abnormal completion (i.e. even after an exception).
 void onError(RepeatContext context, Throwable e)
          Called when a repeat callback fails by throwing an exception.
 void open(RepeatContext context)
          Called once at the start of a complete batch, before any items are processed.
 void register(RepeatListener listener)
          Register additional listener.
 void setListeners(RepeatListener[] listeners)
          Public setter for the listeners.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CompositeRepeatListener()
Method Detail


public void setListeners(RepeatListener[] listeners)
Public setter for the listeners.

listeners -


public void register(RepeatListener listener)
Register additional listener.

listener -


public void after(RepeatContext context,
                  RepeatStatus result)
Description copied from interface: RepeatListener
Called by the framework after each item has been processed, unless the item processing results in an exception. This method is called as soon as the result is known.

Specified by:
after in interface RepeatListener
context - the current batch context
result - the result of the callback


public void before(RepeatContext context)
Description copied from interface: RepeatListener
Called by the framework before each batch item. Implementers can halt a batch by setting the complete flag on the context.

Specified by:
before in interface RepeatListener
context - the current batch context.


public void close(RepeatContext context)
Description copied from interface: RepeatListener
Called once at the end of a complete batch, after normal or abnormal completion (i.e. even after an exception). Implementers can use this method to clean up any resources.

Specified by:
close in interface RepeatListener
context - the current batch context.


public void onError(RepeatContext context,
                    Throwable e)
Description copied from interface: RepeatListener
Called when a repeat callback fails by throwing an exception. There will be one call to this method for each exception thrown during a repeat operation (e.g. a chunk).
There is no need to re-throw the exception here - that will be done by the enclosing framework.

Specified by:
onError in interface RepeatListener
context - the current batch context
e - the error that was encountered in an item callback.


public void open(RepeatContext context)
Description copied from interface: RepeatListener
Called once at the start of a complete batch, before any items are processed. Implementers can use this method to acquire any resources that might be needed during processing. Implementers can halt the current operation by setting the complete flag on the context. To halt all enclosing batches (the whole job), the would need to use the parent context (recursively).

Specified by:
open in interface RepeatListener
context - the current batch context

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