
Infrastructure implementations of support concerns.


Interface Summary
MethodInvoker A strategy interface for invoking a method.
MethodResolver Strategy interface for detecting a single Method on a Class.

Class Summary
AnnotationMethodResolver MethodResolver implementation that finds a single Method on the given Class that contains the specified annotation type.
DefaultPropertyEditorRegistrar A re-usable PropertyEditorRegistrar that can be used wherever one needs to register custom PropertyEditor instances with a PropertyEditorRegistry (like a bean wrapper, or a type converter).
LastModifiedResourceComparator Comparator to sort resources by the file last modified time.
MethodInvokerUtils Utility methods for create MethodInvoker instances.
PropertiesConverter Utility to convert a Properties object to a String and back.
SimpleMethodInvoker Simple implementation of the MethodInvoker interface that invokes a method on an object.
SystemPropertyInitializer Helper class that sets up a System property with a default value.

Enum Summary
DatabaseType Enum representing a database type, such as DB2 or oracle.

Package Description

Infrastructure implementations of support concerns.

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