Packages that use FieldSet | |
org.springframework.batch.item.file.mapping | Infrastructure implementations of io file support mapping concerns. |
org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform | Infrastructure implementations of io file support transform concerns. |
Uses of FieldSet in org.springframework.batch.item.file.mapping |
Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.file.mapping that implement FieldSet | |
class |
Default implementation of FieldSet using Java using Java primitive
and standard types and utilities. |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.item.file.mapping that return FieldSet | |
FieldSet |
FieldSetCreator.mapItem(Object data)
FieldSet |
PassThroughFieldSetMapper.mapItem(Object data)
If the input is a FieldSet pass it to the caller. |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.item.file.mapping with parameters of type FieldSet | |
Object |
FieldSetMapper.mapLine(FieldSet fs)
Method used to map data obtained from a FieldSet into an object. |
Object |
BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper.mapLine(FieldSet fs)
Map the DefaultFieldSet to an object retrieved from the enclosing Spring
context, or to a new instance of the required type if no prototype is
available. |
Object |
PassThroughFieldSetMapper.mapLine(FieldSet fs)
Uses of FieldSet in org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform that return FieldSet | |
protected FieldSet |
LineAggregatorItemTransformer.createFieldSet(Object item)
Extension point for subclasses. |
FieldSet |
LineTokenizer.tokenize(String line)
Yields the tokens resulting from the splitting of the supplied line . |
FieldSet |
PrefixMatchingCompositeLineTokenizer.tokenize(String line)
FieldSet |
AbstractLineTokenizer.tokenize(String line)
Yields the tokens resulting from the splitting of the supplied line . |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform with parameters of type FieldSet | |
String |
FixedLengthLineAggregator.aggregate(FieldSet fieldSet)
Aggregate provided strings into single line using specified column ranges. |
String |
DelimitedLineAggregator.aggregate(FieldSet fieldSet)
Method used to create string representing object. |
String |
LineAggregator.aggregate(FieldSet fieldSet)
Method used to create a string to be stored from the array of values. |