Uses of Class

Packages that use ExecutionContextUserSupport   
org.springframework.batch.item.file Infrastructure implementations of io file concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.item.xml Infrastructure implementations of xml input and output. 

Uses of ExecutionContextUserSupport in

Subclasses of ExecutionContextUserSupport in
 class IbatisKeyCollector
          KeyCollector based on iBATIS ORM framework.
 class MultipleColumnJdbcKeyCollector
           JDBC implementation of the KeyCollector interface that works for composite keys.
 class SingleColumnJdbcKeyCollector
           Jdbc KeyCollector implementation that only works for a single column key.

Uses of ExecutionContextUserSupport in org.springframework.batch.item.file

Subclasses of ExecutionContextUserSupport in org.springframework.batch.item.file
 class FlatFileItemWriter
          This class is an item writer that writes data to a file or stream.
 class MultiResourceItemReader
          Reads items from multiple resources sequentially - resource list is given by MultiResourceItemReader.setResources(Resource[]), the actual reading is delegated to MultiResourceItemReader.setDelegate(ResourceAwareItemReaderItemStream).

Uses of ExecutionContextUserSupport in org.springframework.batch.item.xml

Subclasses of ExecutionContextUserSupport in org.springframework.batch.item.xml
 class StaxEventItemWriter
          An implementation of ItemWriter which uses StAX and EventWriterSerializer for serializing object to XML.

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