Packages that use ExitStatus | |
org.springframework.batch.core | Core domain context for Spring Batch covering jobs, steps, configuration and execution abstractions. |
org.springframework.batch.core.listener | Generic implementations of core batch listener interfaces. |
org.springframework.batch.core.resource | |
org.springframework.batch.core.step | Specific implementations of step concerns. |
org.springframework.batch.core.step.item | Specific implementations of step concerns for item-oriented approach. |
org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet | Interfaces and generic implementations of tasklet concerns. |
org.springframework.batch.integration.chunk | |
org.springframework.batch.integration.job | |
org.springframework.batch.repeat | Infrastructure implementations of repeat concerns. |
org.springframework.batch.repeat.callback | Infrastructure implementations of repeat callback concerns. |
org.springframework.batch.repeat.listener | Infrastructure implementations of repeat interceptor concerns. |
org.springframework.batch.repeat.policy | Infrastructure implementations of repeat policy concerns. |
org.springframework.batch.repeat.support | Infrastructure implementations of repeat support concerns. |
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.core |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.core that return ExitStatus | |
ExitStatus |
StepExecutionListener.afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution)
Give a listener a chance to modify the exit status from a step. |
ExitStatus |
ExitStatus |
ExitStatus |
StepExecutionListener.onErrorInStep(StepExecution stepExecution,
Throwable e)
The value returned will be combined with the normal exit status using and(ExitStatus) . |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.core with parameters of type ExitStatus | |
void |
StepExecution.setExitStatus(ExitStatus exitStatus)
void |
JobExecution.setExitStatus(ExitStatus exitStatus)
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.core.listener |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.listener that return ExitStatus | |
ExitStatus |
StepExecutionListenerSupport.afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution)
ExitStatus |
StepListenerSupport.afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution)
ExitStatus |
MulticasterBatchListener.afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution)
ExitStatus |
CompositeStepExecutionListener.afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution)
Call the registered listeners in reverse order, respecting and prioritising those that implement Ordered . |
ExitStatus |
StepExecutionListenerSupport.onErrorInStep(StepExecution stepExecution,
Throwable e)
ExitStatus |
StepListenerSupport.onErrorInStep(StepExecution stepExecution,
Throwable e)
ExitStatus |
MulticasterBatchListener.onErrorInStep(StepExecution stepExecution,
Throwable e)
ExitStatus |
CompositeStepExecutionListener.onErrorInStep(StepExecution stepExecution,
Throwable e)
Call the registered listeners in reverse order, respecting and prioritising those that implement Ordered . |
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.core.resource |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.resource with parameters of type ExitStatus | |
boolean |
StepExecutionSimpleCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
ExitStatus result)
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.core.step |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step that return ExitStatus | |
ExitStatus |
NoWorkFoundStepExecutionListener.afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution)
protected abstract ExitStatus |
AbstractStep.doExecute(StepExecution stepExecution)
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item that return ExitStatus | |
protected ExitStatus |
ItemOrientedStep.doExecute(StepExecution stepExecution)
Process the step and update its context so that progress can be monitored by the caller. |
ExitStatus |
ItemHandler.handle(StepContribution contribution)
Given the current context in the form of a step contribution, do whatever is necessary to process this unit inside a chunk. |
ExitStatus |
SimpleItemHandler.handle(StepContribution contribution)
Get the next item from SimpleItemHandler.read(StepContribution) and if not null
pass the item to SimpleItemHandler.write(Object, StepContribution) . |
protected ExitStatus |
ItemOrientedStep.processChunk(StepExecution execution,
StepContribution contribution)
Execute a bunch of identical business logic operations all within a transaction. |
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet that return ExitStatus | |
protected ExitStatus |
TaskletStep.doExecute(StepExecution stepExecution)
Delegate to tasklet. |
ExitStatus |
Delegate execution to the target object and translate the return value to an ExitStatus by invoking a method in the delegate POJO. |
ExitStatus |
Encapsulates execution logic of Step , which is unnatural to
separate into read-(transform)-write phases. |
protected ExitStatus |
TaskletAdapter.mapResult(Object result)
If the result is an ExitStatus already just return that,
otherwise return FINISHED . |
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.integration.chunk |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.integration.chunk that return ExitStatus | |
ExitStatus |
ChunkMessageChannelItemWriter.afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution)
ExitStatus |
Constructors in org.springframework.batch.integration.chunk with parameters of type ExitStatus | |
ChunkResponse(ExitStatus exitStatus,
Long jobId,
int skipCount)
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.integration.job |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.integration.job that return ExitStatus | |
ExitStatus |
MessageOrientedStep.doExecute(StepExecution stepExecution)
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.repeat |
Fields in org.springframework.batch.repeat declared as ExitStatus | |
static ExitStatus |
Convenient constant value representing unfinished processing. |
static ExitStatus |
Convenient constant value representing finished processing with an error. |
static ExitStatus |
Convenient constant value representing finished processing. |
static ExitStatus |
Convenient constant value representing job that did no processing (e.g. |
static ExitStatus |
Convenient constant value representing unknown state - assumed not continuable. |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.repeat that return ExitStatus | |
ExitStatus |
ExitStatus.addExitDescription(String description)
Add an exit description to an existing ExitStatus . |
ExitStatus |
ExitStatus.and(boolean continuable)
Create a new ExitStatus with a logical combination of the
continuable flag. |
ExitStatus |
ExitStatus.and(ExitStatus status)
Create a new ExitStatus with a logical combination of the
continuable flag, and a concatenation of the descriptions. |
ExitStatus |
RepeatCallback.doInIteration(RepeatContext context)
Implementations return true if they can continue processing - e.g. |
ExitStatus |
RepeatOperations.iterate(RepeatCallback callback)
Execute the callback repeatedly, until a decision can be made to complete. |
ExitStatus |
ExitStatus.replaceExitCode(String code)
Add an exit code to an existing ExitStatus . |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.repeat with parameters of type ExitStatus | |
void |
RepeatListener.after(RepeatContext context,
ExitStatus result)
Called by the framework after each item has been processed, unless the item processing results in an exception. |
ExitStatus |
ExitStatus.and(ExitStatus status)
Create a new ExitStatus with a logical combination of the
continuable flag, and a concatenation of the descriptions. |
boolean |
CompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
ExitStatus result)
Determine whether a batch is complete given the latest result from the callback. |
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.repeat.callback |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.repeat.callback that return ExitStatus | |
ExitStatus |
ItemReaderRepeatCallback.doInIteration(RepeatContext context)
Use the writer to process the next item if there is one. |
ExitStatus |
NestedRepeatCallback.doInIteration(RepeatContext context)
Simply calls template.execute(callback). |
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.repeat.listener |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.repeat.listener with parameters of type ExitStatus | |
void |
CompositeRepeatListener.after(RepeatContext context,
ExitStatus result)
void |
RepeatListenerSupport.after(RepeatContext context,
ExitStatus result)
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.repeat.policy |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.repeat.policy with parameters of type ExitStatus | |
boolean |
DefaultResultCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
ExitStatus result)
True if the result is null, or a ExitStatus indicating
completion. |
boolean |
CompositeCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
ExitStatus result)
This policy is complete if any of the composed policies is complete. |
boolean |
CompletionPolicySupport.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
ExitStatus result)
Return true if exit status is not continuable, otherwise
delegate to CompletionPolicySupport.isComplete(RepeatContext) . |
boolean |
SimpleCompletionPolicy.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
ExitStatus result)
Terminate if the chunk size has been reached, or the result is null. |
Uses of ExitStatus in org.springframework.batch.repeat.support |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.repeat.support that return ExitStatus | |
protected ExitStatus |
RepeatTemplate.getNextResult(RepeatContext context,
RepeatCallback callback,
RepeatInternalState state)
Get the next completed result, possibly executing several callbacks until one finally finishes. |
protected ExitStatus |
TaskExecutorRepeatTemplate.getNextResult(RepeatContext context,
RepeatCallback callback,
RepeatInternalState state)
Use the TaskExecutorRepeatTemplate.setTaskExecutor(TaskExecutor) to generate a result. |
ExitStatus |
RepeatTemplate.iterate(RepeatCallback callback)
Execute the batch callback until the completion policy decides that we are finished. |
Methods in org.springframework.batch.repeat.support with parameters of type ExitStatus | |
protected boolean |
RepeatTemplate.canContinue(ExitStatus value)
Check return value from batch operation. |
protected void |
RepeatTemplate.executeAfterInterceptors(RepeatContext context,
ExitStatus value)
Convenience method to execute after interceptors on a callback result. |
protected boolean |
RepeatTemplate.isComplete(RepeatContext context,
ExitStatus result)
Delegate to the CompletionPolicy . |