Uses of Interface

Packages that use Classifier
org.springframework.batch.core.step.item Specific implementations of step concerns for item-oriented approach. 
org.springframework.batch.core.step.skip Specific implementations of skip concerns for items in a step. Internal support package  
org.springframework.batch.repeat.exception Infrastructure implementations of repeat exception handler concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.retry.policy Infrastructure implementations of retry policy concerns. Infrastructure implementations of retry support concerns. 

Uses of Classifier in org.springframework.batch.classify

Classes in org.springframework.batch.classify that implement Classifier
 class BackToBackPatternClassifier<C,T>
          A special purpose Classifier with easy configuration options for mapping from one arbitrary type of object to another via a pattern matcher.
 class BinaryExceptionClassifier
          A Classifier for exceptions that has only two classes (true and false).
 class ClassifierAdapter<C,T>
          Wrapper for an object to adapt it to the Classifier interface.
 class ClassifierSupport<C,T>
          Base class for Classifier implementations.
 class PatternMatchingClassifier<T>
          A Classifier that maps from String patterns with wildcards to a set of values of a given type.
 class SubclassClassifier<T,C>
          A Classifier for a parameterised object type based on a map.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.classify with parameters of type Classifier
 void ClassifierAdapter.setDelegate(Classifier<C,T> delegate)

Constructors in org.springframework.batch.classify with parameters of type Classifier
BackToBackPatternClassifier(Classifier<C,String> router, Classifier<String,T> matcher)
          Set up a classifier with input to the router and output from the matcher.
BackToBackPatternClassifier(Classifier<C,String> router, Classifier<String,T> matcher)
          Set up a classifier with input to the router and output from the matcher.
ClassifierAdapter(Classifier<C,T> delegate)
          Create a new Classifier from the delegate provided.

Uses of Classifier in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item that return Classifier
protected  Classifier<Throwable,Boolean> FaultTolerantStepFactoryBean.getRollbackClassifier()
          Convenience method for subclasses to get an exception classifier based on the provided transaction attributes.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item with parameters of type Classifier
static List<RetryState> BatchRetryTemplate.createState(List<?> keys, Classifier<? super Throwable,Boolean> classifier)
 void FaultTolerantChunkProcessor.setRollbackClassifier(Classifier<Throwable,Boolean> rollbackClassifier)
          A classifier that can distinguish between exceptions that cause rollback (return true) or not (return false).
 void FaultTolerantChunkProvider.setRollbackClassifier(Classifier<Throwable,Boolean> rollbackClassifier)
          Classifier to determine whether exceptions have been marked as no-rollback (as opposed to skippable).

Uses of Classifier in org.springframework.batch.core.step.skip

Constructors in org.springframework.batch.core.step.skip with parameters of type Classifier
LimitCheckingItemSkipPolicy(int skipLimit, Classifier<Throwable,Boolean> skippableExceptionClassifier, Classifier<Throwable,Boolean> fatalExceptionClassifier)
LimitCheckingItemSkipPolicy(int skipLimit, Classifier<Throwable,Boolean> skippableExceptionClassifier, Classifier<Throwable,Boolean> fatalExceptionClassifier)

Uses of Classifier in

Methods in with parameters of type Classifier
 void ClassifierCompositeItemWriter.setClassifier(Classifier<T,ItemWriter<? super T>> classifier)

Uses of Classifier in org.springframework.batch.repeat.exception

Methods in org.springframework.batch.repeat.exception with parameters of type Classifier
 void LogOrRethrowExceptionHandler.setExceptionClassifier(Classifier<Throwable,LogOrRethrowExceptionHandler.Level> exceptionClassifier)
          Setter for the Classifier used by this handler.

Uses of Classifier in org.springframework.batch.retry.policy

Methods in org.springframework.batch.retry.policy with parameters of type Classifier
 void ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy.setExceptionClassifier(Classifier<Throwable,RetryPolicy> exceptionClassifier)
          Setter for an exception classifier.

Uses of Classifier in

Constructors in with parameters of type Classifier
DefaultRetryState(Object key, boolean forceRefresh, Classifier<? super Throwable,Boolean> rollbackClassifier)
          Create a DefaultRetryState representing the state for a new retry attempt.
DefaultRetryState(Object key, Classifier<? super Throwable,Boolean> rollbackClassifier)
          Defaults the force refresh flag to false.

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