Uses of Class

Packages that use BatchStatus
org.springframework.batch.core Core domain context for Spring Batch covering jobs, steps, configuration and execution abstractions. 

Uses of BatchStatus in org.springframework.batch.core

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core that return BatchStatus
 BatchStatus JobExecution.getStatus()
 BatchStatus StepExecution.getStatus()
          Returns the current status of this step
static BatchStatus BatchStatus.match(String value)
          Find a BatchStatus that matches the beginning of the given value.
static BatchStatus BatchStatus.max(BatchStatus status1, BatchStatus status2)
 BatchStatus BatchStatus.upgradeTo(BatchStatus other)
          Method used to move status values through their logical progression, and override less severe failures with more severe ones.
static BatchStatus BatchStatus.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static BatchStatus[] BatchStatus.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core with parameters of type BatchStatus
 boolean BatchStatus.isGreaterThan(BatchStatus other)
 boolean BatchStatus.isLessThan(BatchStatus other)
 boolean BatchStatus.isLessThanOrEqualTo(BatchStatus other)
static BatchStatus BatchStatus.max(BatchStatus status1, BatchStatus status2)
 void JobExecution.setStatus(BatchStatus status)
          Set the value of the status field.
 void StepExecution.setStatus(BatchStatus status)
          Sets the current status of this step
 void JobExecution.upgradeStatus(BatchStatus status)
          Upgrade the status field if the provided value is greater than the existing one.
 void StepExecution.upgradeStatus(BatchStatus status)
          Upgrade the status field if the provided value is greater than the existing one.
 BatchStatus BatchStatus.upgradeTo(BatchStatus other)
          Method used to move status values through their logical progression, and override less severe failures with more severe ones.

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