Uses of Class

Packages that use NoSuchJobException
org.springframework.batch.core.configuration Interfaces for registration and location of job configurations. Specific implementations of configuration concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.core.launch Interfaces and simple implementations of launch concerns. Support classes for use in bootstrap and launch implementations or configurations. 

Uses of NoSuchJobException in org.springframework.batch.core.configuration

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.configuration that throw NoSuchJobException
 Job JobLocator.getJob(String name)
          Locates a Job at runtime.

Uses of NoSuchJobException in

Methods in that throw NoSuchJobException
 Job MapJobRegistry.getJob(String name)
 Job ClassPathXmlJobRegistry.getJob(String name)

Uses of NoSuchJobException in org.springframework.batch.core.launch

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.launch that throw NoSuchJobException
 List<Long> JobOperator.getJobInstances(String jobName, int start, int count)
          List the JobInstances for a given job name, in reverse order of creation (and therefore usually of first execution).
 Set<Long> JobOperator.getRunningExecutions(String jobName)
          Get the id values of all the running JobExecutions with the given job name.
 Long JobOperator.restart(long executionId)
          Restart a failed or stopped JobExecution.
 Long JobOperator.start(String jobName, String parameters)
          Start a new instance of a job with the parameters specified.
 Long JobOperator.startNextInstance(String jobName)
          Launch the next in a sequence of JobInstance determined by the JobParametersIncrementer attached to the specified job.

Uses of NoSuchJobException in

Methods in that throw NoSuchJobException
 List<Long> SimpleJobOperator.getJobInstances(String jobName, int start, int count)
 Set<Long> SimpleJobOperator.getRunningExecutions(String jobName)
 Long SimpleJobOperator.restart(long executionId)
 Long SimpleJobOperator.start(String jobName, String parameters)
 Long SimpleJobOperator.startNextInstance(String jobName)

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