Uses of Class

Packages that use JobParameters
org.springframework.batch.core Core domain context for Spring Batch covering jobs, steps, configuration and execution abstractions. 
org.springframework.batch.core.converter Support classes for implementations of the batch APIs. 
org.springframework.batch.core.job Specific implementations of job concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.core.launch Interfaces and simple implementations of launch concerns. Support classes for use in bootstrap and launch implementations or configurations. 
org.springframework.batch.core.repository Interfaces and generic implementations of repository concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.core.repository.dao Specific implementations of dao concerns. Specific implementations of repository concerns. 

Uses of JobParameters in org.springframework.batch.core

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core that return JobParameters
 JobParameters StepExecution.getJobParameters()
          Convenience method to get the current job parameters.
 JobParameters JobInstance.getJobParameters()
 JobParameters JobParametersIncrementer.getNext(JobParameters parameters)
          Increment the provided parameters.
 JobParameters JobParametersBuilder.toJobParameters()
          Conversion method that takes the current state of this builder and returns it as a JobruntimeParameters object.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core with parameters of type JobParameters
 JobParameters JobParametersIncrementer.getNext(JobParameters parameters)
          Increment the provided parameters.
 void JobParametersValidator.validate(JobParameters parameters)
          Check the parameters meet whatever requirements are appropriate, and throw an exception if not.

Constructors in org.springframework.batch.core with parameters of type JobParameters
JobInstance(Long id, JobParameters jobParameters, String jobName)
JobParametersBuilder(JobParameters jobParameters)
          Copy constructor.

Uses of JobParameters in org.springframework.batch.core.converter

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.converter that return JobParameters
 JobParameters JobParametersConverter.getJobParameters(Properties properties)
          Get a new JobParameters instance.
 JobParameters DefaultJobParametersConverter.getJobParameters(Properties props)
          Check for suffix on keys and use those to decide how to convert the value.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.converter with parameters of type JobParameters
 Properties JobParametersConverter.getProperties(JobParameters params)
          The inverse operation: get a Properties instance.
 Properties DefaultJobParametersConverter.getProperties(JobParameters params)
          Use the same suffixes to create properties (omitting the string suffix because it is the default).

Uses of JobParameters in org.springframework.batch.core.job

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.job with parameters of type JobParameters
 void DefaultJobParametersValidator.validate(JobParameters parameters)
          Check the parameters meet the specification provided.
 void CompositeJobParametersValidator.validate(JobParameters parameters)
          Validates the JobParameters according to the injected JobParameterValidators Validation stops and exception is thrown on first validation error

Uses of JobParameters in org.springframework.batch.core.launch

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.launch with parameters of type JobParameters
 JobExecution job, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Start a job execution for the given Job and JobParameters .

Uses of JobParameters in

Methods in that return JobParameters
 JobParameters ScheduledJobParametersFactory.getJobParameters(Properties props)
 JobParameters RunIdIncrementer.getNext(JobParameters parameters)
          Increment the parameter (starting with 1).

Methods in with parameters of type JobParameters
 JobParameters RunIdIncrementer.getNext(JobParameters parameters)
          Increment the parameter (starting with 1).
 Properties ScheduledJobParametersFactory.getProperties(JobParameters params)
          Convert schedule date to Date, and assume all other parameters can be represented by their default string value.
 JobExecution job, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Run the provided job with the given JobParameters.

Uses of JobParameters in org.springframework.batch.core.repository

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.repository with parameters of type JobParameters
 JobExecution JobRepository.createJobExecution(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
           Create a JobExecution for a given Job and JobParameters.
 JobExecution JobRepository.getLastJobExecution(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
 boolean JobRepository.isJobInstanceExists(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Check if an instance of this job already exists with the parameters provided.

Uses of JobParameters in org.springframework.batch.core.repository.dao

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.repository.dao with parameters of type JobParameters
 JobInstance MapJobInstanceDao.createJobInstance(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
 JobInstance JobInstanceDao.createJobInstance(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Create a JobInstance with given name and parameters.
 JobInstance JdbcJobInstanceDao.createJobInstance(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
          In this jdbc implementation a job id is obtained by asking the jobIncrementer (which is likely a sequence) for the next long value, and then passing the Id and parameter values into an INSERT statement.
protected  String JdbcJobInstanceDao.createJobKey(JobParameters jobParameters)
 JobInstance MapJobInstanceDao.getJobInstance(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
 JobInstance JobInstanceDao.getJobInstance(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Find the job instance that matches the given name and parameters.
 JobInstance JdbcJobInstanceDao.getJobInstance(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
          The job table is queried for any jobs that match the given identifier, adding them to a list via the RowMapper callback.

Uses of JobParameters in

Methods in with parameters of type JobParameters
 JobExecution SimpleJobRepository.createJobExecution(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
 JobExecution SimpleJobRepository.getLastJobExecution(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)
 boolean SimpleJobRepository.isJobInstanceExists(String jobName, JobParameters jobParameters)

Uses of JobParameters in org.springframework.batch.core.step.job

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.job that return JobParameters
 JobParameters JobParametersExtractor.getJobParameters(Job job, StepExecution stepExecution)
          Extract job parameters from the step execution, for example from the execution context or other properties.
 JobParameters DefaultJobParametersExtractor.getJobParameters(Job job, StepExecution stepExecution)

Uses of JobParameters in org.springframework.batch.test

Methods in org.springframework.batch.test that return JobParameters
 JobParameters JobLauncherTestUtils.getUniqueJobParameters()
protected  JobParameters AbstractJobTests.getUniqueJobParameters()

Methods in org.springframework.batch.test with parameters of type JobParameters
static JobExecution MetaDataInstanceFactory.createJobExecution(String jobName, Long instanceId, Long executionId, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Create a JobExecution with the parameters provided.
static JobInstance MetaDataInstanceFactory.createJobInstance(String jobName, Long instanceId, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Create a JobInstance with the parameters provided.
static StepExecution MetaDataInstanceFactory.createStepExecution(JobParameters jobParameters)
          Create a StepExecution and all its parent entities with default values, but using the JobParameters provided.
static StepExecution MetaDataInstanceFactory.createStepExecution(JobParameters jobParameters, ExecutionContext executionContext)
          Create a StepExecution and all its parent entities with default values, but using the ExecutionContext and JobParameters provided.
 JobExecution JobLauncherTestUtils.launchJob(JobParameters jobParameters)
          Launch the entire job, including all steps
protected  JobExecution AbstractJobTests.launchJob(JobParameters jobParameters)
          Deprecated. Launch the entire job, including all steps
 JobExecution StepRunner.launchStep(Step step, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Launch just the specified step as its own job.
 JobExecution StepRunner.launchStep(Step step, JobParameters jobParameters, ExecutionContext jobExecutionContext)
          Launch just the specified step as its own job.
 JobExecution JobLauncherTestUtils.launchStep(String stepName, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Launch just the specified step in the job.
 JobExecution AbstractJobTests.launchStep(String stepName, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Deprecated. Launch just the specified step in the job.
 JobExecution JobLauncherTestUtils.launchStep(String stepName, JobParameters jobParameters, ExecutionContext jobExecutionContext)
          Launch just the specified step in the job.
 JobExecution AbstractJobTests.launchStep(String stepName, JobParameters jobParameters, ExecutionContext jobExecutionContext)
          Deprecated. Launch just the specified step in the job.

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