Uses of Interface

Packages that use Step
org.springframework.batch.core.job Specific implementations of job concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.core.step Specific implementations of step concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet Interfaces and generic implementations of tasklet concerns. 

Uses of Step in org.springframework.batch.core.job

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.job that return Step
 Step SimpleJob.getStep(String stepName)
abstract  Step AbstractJob.getStep(String stepName)
          Retrieve the step with the given name.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.job with parameters of type Step
 void SimpleJob.addStep(Step step)
          Convenience method for adding a single step to the job.
 StepExecution StepHandler.handleStep(Step step, JobExecution jobExecution)
          Handle a step and return the execution for it.
 StepExecution SimpleStepHandler.handleStep(Step step, JobExecution execution)
protected  StepExecution AbstractJob.handleStep(Step step, JobExecution execution)
          Convenience method for subclasses to delegate the handling of a specific step in the context of the current JobExecution.

Method parameters in org.springframework.batch.core.job with type arguments of type Step
 void SimpleJob.setSteps(List<Step> steps)
          Public setter for the steps in this job.

Uses of Step in org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow

Classes in org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow that implement Step
 class FlowStep
          A XPath.Step implementation that delegates to a Flow.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow that return Step
 Step FlowJob.getStep(String stepName)
          Retrieve the step with the given name.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow with parameters of type Step
 String JobFlowExecutor.executeStep(Step step)
 String FlowExecutor.executeStep(Step step)

Uses of Step in

Methods in that return Step
 Step StepState.getStep()

Constructors in with parameters of type Step
StepState(Step step)
StepState(String name, Step step)

Uses of Step in

Classes in that implement Step
 class PartitionStep
          Implementation of Step which partitions the execution and spreads the load using a PartitionHandler.

Methods in that return Step
 Step TaskExecutorPartitionHandler.getStep()
          The step instance that will be executed in parallel by this handler.

Methods in with parameters of type Step
 void TaskExecutorPartitionHandler.setStep(Step step)
          Setter for the Step that will be used to execute the partitioned StepExecution.

Constructors in with parameters of type Step
SimpleStepExecutionSplitter(JobRepository jobRepository, Step step, Partitioner partitioner)
          Deprecated. use SimpleStepExecutionSplitter.SimpleStepExecutionSplitter(JobRepository, boolean, String, Partitioner) instead

Uses of Step in org.springframework.batch.core.scope.context

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.scope.context with parameters of type Step
 void StepScopeManager.execute(Step step, StepExecution stepExecution)

Uses of Step in org.springframework.batch.core.step

Classes in org.springframework.batch.core.step that implement Step
 class AbstractStep
          A Step implementation that provides common behavior to subclasses, including registering and calling listeners.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step that return Step
 Step StepHolder.getStep()
 Step StepLocator.getStep(String stepName)

Uses of Step in org.springframework.batch.core.step.job

Classes in org.springframework.batch.core.step.job that implement Step
 class JobStep
          A Step that delegates to a Job to do its work.

Uses of Step in org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet

Classes in org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet that implement Step
 class TaskletStep
          Simple implementation of executing the step as a call to a Tasklet, possibly repeated, and each call surrounded by a transaction.

Uses of Step in org.springframework.batch.test

Methods in org.springframework.batch.test with parameters of type Step
 JobExecution StepRunner.launchStep(Step step)
          Launch just the specified step as its own job.
 JobExecution StepRunner.launchStep(Step step, ExecutionContext jobExecutionContext)
          Launch just the specified step as its own job.
 JobExecution StepRunner.launchStep(Step step, JobParameters jobParameters)
          Launch just the specified step as its own job.
 JobExecution StepRunner.launchStep(Step step, JobParameters jobParameters, ExecutionContext jobExecutionContext)
          Launch just the specified step as its own job.

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