Uses of Interface

Packages that use ApplicationContextFactory Specific implementations of configuration concerns. 

Uses of ApplicationContextFactory in

Classes in that implement ApplicationContextFactory
 class ClassPathXmlApplicationContextFactory
          ApplicationContextFactory implementation that takes a parent context and a path to the context to create.
 class OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContextFactory
          ApplicationContextFactory that can be used to load a context from an XML location in a bundle.

Methods in with parameters of type ApplicationContextFactory
 Collection<Job> JobLoader.load(ApplicationContextFactory factory)
          Load an application context and register all the jobs.
 Collection<Job> DefaultJobLoader.load(ApplicationContextFactory factory)
 Collection<Job> JobLoader.reload(ApplicationContextFactory factory)
          Load an application context and register all the jobs, having first unregistered them if already registered.
 Collection<Job> DefaultJobLoader.reload(ApplicationContextFactory factory)
 void AutomaticJobRegistrar.setApplicationContextFactories(ApplicationContextFactory[] applicationContextFactories)
          Add some factories to the set that will be used to load contexts and jobs.

Constructors in with parameters of type ApplicationContextFactory
ApplicationContextJobFactory(String jobName, ApplicationContextFactory applicationContextFactory)

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