Uses of Interface

Packages that use State

Uses of State in org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow that return State
 State Flow.getState(String stateName)
          Retrieve the State with the given name.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.job.flow that return types with arguments of type State
 Collection<State> Flow.getStates()
          Convenient accessor for clients needing to explore the states of this flow.

Uses of State in

Methods in that return State
 State StateTransition.getState()
          Public getter for the State.
 State SimpleFlow.getState(String stateName)
          Retrieve the State with the given name.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type State
 Collection<State> SimpleFlow.getStates()
          Convenient accessor for clients needing to explore the states of this flow.

Methods in with parameters of type State
static StateTransition StateTransition.createEndStateTransition(State state)
          Create a new end state StateTransition specification.
static StateTransition StateTransition.createEndStateTransition(State state, String pattern)
          Create a new end state StateTransition specification.
static StateTransition StateTransition.createStateTransition(State state, String next)
          Create a new state StateTransition specification with a wildcard pattern that matches all outcomes.
static StateTransition StateTransition.createStateTransition(State state, String pattern, String next)
          Create a new StateTransition specification from one State to another (by name).
static StateTransition StateTransition.switchOriginAndDestination(StateTransition stateTransition, State state, String next)
          Convenience method to switch the origin and destination of a transition, creating a new instance.

Uses of State in

Classes in that implement State
 class AbstractState
 class DecisionState
          State that requires a decider to make the status decision.
 class EndState
          State implementation for ending a job if it is in progress and continuing if just starting.
 class FlowState
          State that delegates to a Flow
 class SplitState
          A State implementation that splits a Flow into multiple parallel subflows.
 class StepState
          State implementation that delegates to a FlowExecutor to execute the specified Step.

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