Uses of Interface

Packages that use ItemReader
org.springframework.batch.core.step.item Specific implementations of step concerns for item-oriented approach. 
org.springframework.batch.item Infrastructure interfaces and primary dependencies for item concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.item.adapter Adapters for Plain Old Java Objects. 
org.springframework.batch.item.database Infrastructure implementations of database based item readers and writers. 
org.springframework.batch.item.file Infrastructure implementations of io file concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.item.jms Internal support package  
org.springframework.batch.item.xml Infrastructure implementations of xml input and output. 

Uses of ItemReader in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item

Fields in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item declared as ItemReader
protected  ItemReader<? extends I> SimpleChunkProvider.itemReader

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item that return ItemReader
protected  ItemReader<? extends T> SimpleStepFactoryBean.getItemReader()
          Protected getter for the ItemReader for subclasses to use.

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item with parameters of type ItemReader
 void SimpleStepFactoryBean.setItemReader(ItemReader<? extends T> itemReader)

Constructors in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item with parameters of type ItemReader
FaultTolerantChunkProvider(ItemReader<? extends I> itemReader, RepeatOperations repeatOperations)
SimpleChunkProvider(ItemReader<? extends I> itemReader, RepeatOperations repeatOperations)

Uses of ItemReader in org.springframework.batch.item

Subinterfaces of ItemReader in org.springframework.batch.item
 interface ItemStreamReader<T>
          Convenience interface that combines ItemStream and ItemReader .
 interface PeekableItemReader<T>
           A specialisation of ItemReader that allows the user to look ahead into the stream of items.

Uses of ItemReader in org.springframework.batch.item.adapter

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.adapter that implement ItemReader
 class ItemReaderAdapter<T>
          Invokes a custom method on a delegate plain old Java object which itself provides an item.

Uses of ItemReader in org.springframework.batch.item.database

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.database that implement ItemReader
 class AbstractCursorItemReader<T>
           Abstract base class for any simple item reader that opens a database cursor and continually retrieves the next row in the ResultSet.
 class AbstractPagingItemReader<T>
          Abstract ItemReader for to extend when reading database records in a paging fashion.
 class HibernateCursorItemReader<T>
          ItemReader for reading database records built on top of Hibernate.
 class HibernatePagingItemReader<T>
          ItemReader for reading database records built on top of Hibernate and reading only up to a fixed number of items at a time.
 class IbatisPagingItemReader<T>
           ItemReader for reading database records using iBATIS in a paging fashion.
 class JdbcCursorItemReader<T>
           Simple item reader implementation that opens a JDBC cursor and continually retrieves the next row in the ResultSet.
 class JdbcPagingItemReader<T>
           ItemReader for reading database records using JDBC in a paging fashion.
 class JpaPagingItemReader<T>
           ItemReader for reading database records built on top of JPA.
 class StoredProcedureItemReader<T>
           Item reader implementation that executes a stored procedure and then reads the returned cursor and continually retrieves the next row in the ResultSet.

Uses of ItemReader in org.springframework.batch.item.file

Subinterfaces of ItemReader in org.springframework.batch.item.file
 interface ResourceAwareItemReaderItemStream<T>
          Interface for ItemReaders that implement ItemStream and read input from Resource.

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.file that implement ItemReader
 class FlatFileItemReader<T>
          Restartable ItemReader that reads lines from input FlatFileItemReader.setResource(Resource).
 class MultiResourceItemReader<T>
          Reads items from multiple resources sequentially - resource list is given by MultiResourceItemReader.setResources(Resource[]), the actual reading is delegated to MultiResourceItemReader.setDelegate(ResourceAwareItemReaderItemStream).
 class ResourcesItemReader
          ItemReader which produces Resource instances from an array.

Uses of ItemReader in org.springframework.batch.item.jms

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.jms that implement ItemReader
 class JmsItemReader<T>
          An ItemReader for JMS using a JmsTemplate.

Uses of ItemReader in

Classes in that implement ItemReader
 class AbstractItemCountingItemStreamItemReader<T>
          Abstract superclass for ItemReaders that supports restart by storing item count in the ExecutionContext (therefore requires item ordering to be preserved between runs).
 class AbstractItemStreamItemReader<T>
          Base class for ItemReader implementations.
 class IteratorItemReader<T>
          An ItemReader that pulls data from a Iterator or Iterable using the constructors.
 class ListItemReader<T>
          An ItemReader that pulls data from a list.
 class SingleItemPeekableItemReader<T>
           A PeekableItemReader that allows the user to peek one item ahead.

Methods in with parameters of type ItemReader
 void SingleItemPeekableItemReader.setDelegate(ItemReader<T> delegate)
          The item reader to use as a delegate.

Uses of ItemReader in org.springframework.batch.item.xml

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.xml that implement ItemReader
 class StaxEventItemReader<T>
          Item reader for reading XML input based on StAX.

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