Uses of Interface

Packages that use ItemWriter
org.springframework.batch.core.step.item Specific implementations of step concerns for item-oriented approach. 
org.springframework.batch.item Infrastructure interfaces and primary dependencies for item concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.item.adapter Adapters for Plain Old Java Objects. 
org.springframework.batch.item.database Infrastructure implementations of database based item readers and writers. 
org.springframework.batch.item.file Infrastructure implementations of io file concerns. 
org.springframework.batch.item.mail.javamail Internal support package  
org.springframework.batch.item.xml Infrastructure implementations of xml input and output. 

Uses of ItemWriter in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item that return ItemWriter
protected  ItemWriter<? super S> SimpleStepFactoryBean.getItemWriter()
          Protected getter for the ItemWriter for subclasses to use

Methods in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item with parameters of type ItemWriter
 void SimpleChunkProcessor.setItemWriter(ItemWriter<? super O> itemWriter)
 void SimpleStepFactoryBean.setItemWriter(ItemWriter<? super S> itemWriter)

Constructors in org.springframework.batch.core.step.item with parameters of type ItemWriter
FaultTolerantChunkProcessor(ItemProcessor<? super I,? extends O> itemProcessor, ItemWriter<? super O> itemWriter, BatchRetryTemplate batchRetryTemplate)
SimpleChunkProcessor(ItemProcessor<? super I,? extends O> itemProcessor, ItemWriter<? super O> itemWriter)

Uses of ItemWriter in org.springframework.batch.item

Subinterfaces of ItemWriter in org.springframework.batch.item
 interface ItemStreamWriter<T>
          Convenience interface that combines ItemStream and ItemWriter .

Uses of ItemWriter in org.springframework.batch.item.adapter

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.adapter that implement ItemWriter
 class ItemWriterAdapter<T>
          Delegates item processing to a custom method - passes the item as an argument for the delegate method.
 class PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter<T>
          Delegates processing to a custom method - extracts property values from item object and uses them as arguments for the delegate method.

Uses of ItemWriter in org.springframework.batch.item.database

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.database that implement ItemWriter
 class HibernateItemWriter<T>
          ItemWriter that uses a Hibernate session to save or update entities that are not part of the current Hibernate session.
 class IbatisBatchItemWriter<T>
          ItemWriter that uses the batching features from SqlMapClientTemplate to execute a batch of statements for all items provided.
 class JdbcBatchItemWriter<T>
          ItemWriter that uses the batching features from SimpleJdbcTemplate to execute a batch of statements for all items provided.
 class JpaItemWriter<T>
          ItemWriter that is using a JPA EntityManagerFactory to merge any Entities that aren't part of the persistence context.

Uses of ItemWriter in org.springframework.batch.item.file

Subinterfaces of ItemWriter in org.springframework.batch.item.file
 interface ResourceAwareItemWriterItemStream<T>
          Interface for ItemWriters that implement ItemStream and write output to Resource.

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.file that implement ItemWriter
 class FlatFileItemWriter<T>
          This class is an item writer that writes data to a file or stream.
 class MultiResourceItemWriter<T>
          Wraps a ResourceAwareItemWriterItemStream and creates a new output resource when the count of items written in current resource exceeds MultiResourceItemWriter.setItemCountLimitPerResource(int).

Uses of ItemWriter in org.springframework.batch.item.jms

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.jms that implement ItemWriter
 class JmsItemWriter<T>
          An ItemWriter for JMS using a JmsTemplate.

Uses of ItemWriter in org.springframework.batch.item.mail

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.mail that implement ItemWriter
 class SimpleMailMessageItemWriter
           A simple ItemWriter that can send mail messages.

Uses of ItemWriter in org.springframework.batch.item.mail.javamail

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.mail.javamail that implement ItemWriter
 class MimeMessageItemWriter
           A simple ItemWriter that can send mail messages.

Uses of ItemWriter in

Classes in that implement ItemWriter
 class AbstractItemStreamItemWriter<T>
          Base class for ItemWriter implementations.
 class ClassifierCompositeItemWriter<T>
          Calls one of a collection of ItemWriters for each item, based on a router pattern implemented through the provided Classifier.
 class CompositeItemWriter<T>
          Calls a collection of ItemWriters in fixed-order sequence.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ItemWriter
 void ClassifierCompositeItemWriter.setClassifier(Classifier<T,ItemWriter<? super T>> classifier)
 void CompositeItemWriter.setDelegates(List<ItemWriter<? super T>> delegates)

Uses of ItemWriter in org.springframework.batch.item.xml

Classes in org.springframework.batch.item.xml that implement ItemWriter
 class StaxEventItemWriter<T>
          An implementation of ItemWriter which uses StAX and Marshaller for serializing object to XML.

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