Spring Batch 2.0-m1 Release Notes


  • [BATCH-737] - JdbcCursorItemReader will spin through entire resultset if numberOfProcessRows=0 * [BATCH-732] - FlatFileItemReader doesn't take "firstLineIsHeader" flag into account when restarting * [BATCH-735] - Getting Started page should be updated * [BATCH-734] - ItemReaders and ItemWriters using Resource(s) should check for file during ItemStream#open * [BATCH-778] - MapJobRepositoryFactoryBean shouldn't require transactionManager * [BATCH-693] - Refactor samples along domain contours * [BATCH-761] - StaxEventItemWriter writes extra end document tag with Woodstox 3.2.6 * [BATCH-765] - StepExecution should be saved on every commit * [BATCH-757] - remove DelegatingItemWriter * [BATCH-766] - Insufficient error handling in case of a missing resource for a org.springframework.batch.item.xml.StaxEventItemWriter * [BATCH-727] - Move all POMs in trunk to 2.0.0.CI-SNAPSHOT * [BATCH-744] - restart.count is always 0 in FlatFileItemWriter * [BATCH-741] - DefaultFieldSet should clone the tokens before exposing them in getValues()


  • [BATCH-671] - Upgrade JobParameters and ExecutionContext for Java 5 * [BATCH-770] - Make ItemTransformer a first class citizen and rename as ItemProcessor * [BATCH-278] - Allow FixedLengthLineAggregator to be configured with different padding/alignment for specific columns * [BATCH-709] - Change all collections to use generics * [BATCH-581] - Add filter capability to item oriented paradigm * [BATCH-743] - ExportedJobLauncher should be able to stop running batches on an individual basis * [BATCH-230] - Recoverable and ItemProvider.recover() abstractions refactored into correct place in chunk-oriented framework * [BATCH-745] - strong typing in AggregateItemReader * [BATCH-544] - Configurable RetryPolicy in SkipLimitStepFactoryBean * [BATCH-354] - Create JPA ItemReader/Writer * [BATCH-758] - Generify ExceptionClassifier and ExceptionClassifierSupport * [BATCH-300] - Improve typesafety of ItemProvider/Processor paradigm * [BATCH-753] - Listener exception handling * [BATCH-274] - Support CallableExitStatus * [BATCH-712] - Upgrade ItemReaders to use Parameterized types * [BATCH-711] - Upgrade ItemWriter and implementations to use parameterized types * [BATCH-756] - Upgrade JdbcExecutionContextDao to use enums * [BATCH-672] - Upgrade samples to Java 5.0 * [BATCH-710] - Upgrade unit tests to use Spring Test Java 5 features * [BATCH-518] - clean up the *Or* repository methods * [BATCH-662] - simplify FlatFileItemReader * [BATCH-728] - Add remove(key) method to ExecutionContext class * [BATCH-570] - Job.getSteps() does not need to be exposed in the interface * [BATCH-668] - JobRepository needs to distinguish between save and update of execution context

Documentation updates

  • [BATCH-768] - Update documentation for M1 * [BATCH-586] - Documentation for the walkthrough of samples * [BATCH-769] - Create documentation for JPA Reader * [BATCH-689] - Document how to access StepExecution and JobExecution in Tasklet