Spring Batch 2.1.1 Release Notes


  • [BATCH-1520] - Allow null ItemWriter as long as ItemProcessor is provided


  • [BATCH-1503] - JobExecution marked COMPLETE on failure to save step execution metadata
  • [BATCH-1507] - FlowJob.getStep() only looks at state names, not step names
  • [BATCH-1510] - List of stepnames incomplete for nested flow job
  • [BATCH-1513] - HibernateItemReaderHelper requires queryProvider field to be an instance of AbstractHibernateQueryProvider
  • [BATCH-1522] - Intermittent failure of FaultTolerantStepFactoryBean in multi-threaded test
  • [BATCH-1525] - ExitStatus description can be null when re-hyrated from Oracle
  • [BATCH-1526] - Memory leak in web deployments because ThreadLocal is not nulled out in ChunkMonitor
  • [BATCH-1528] - Namespace context partition element requires bean with name "transactionManager"
  • [BATCH-1533] - API change and is not reflected in API and documentation examples
  • [BATCH-1540] - Typo in the user guide: "directlory"
  • [BATCH-1542] - Thread safety in JobExecution and StepExecution collections
  • [BATCH-1545] - FlatFileItemWriter logs as JdbcBatchItemWriter
  • [BATCH-1546] - Some issues with pagination in Oracle
  • [BATCH-1547] - ExecutionContextPromotionListener strict flag misinterpreted in listener code
  • [BATCH-1551] - Db2PagingQueryProvider needs an alias in the jump to subquery
  • [BATCH-1552] - Typo on Use Case page of website


  • [BATCH-1550] - Section 5.2.1 references TaskletAdapter class, but it should be MethodInvokingTaskletAdapter


  • [BATCH-1530] - Let job-repository assign id to itself by default.
  • [BATCH-1531] - Restart of a partitioned Step should not call Partitioner
  • [BATCH-1535] - Extend SQL scripts to provide exit code limit of 100 chars
  • [BATCH-1536] - Negative skip count in SkipPolicy
  • [BATCH-1537] - Modify JdbcPagingItemReader to use startAfterValue on restart
  • [BATCH-1541] - Make MapJobRepository work for multi-threaded steps and jobs
  • [BATCH-1553] - Restart of partitioned job should prevent starting multiple step execution instances for a partition

New Feature

  • [BATCH-1307] - MapJobRepository with multi-threaded parallel steps (split in job)
  • [BATCH-1508] - Make ApplicationContext ids unique and identifiable in ClasspathXmlApplicationContextsFactoryBean
  • [BATCH-1527] - Add "-stopAll" to CommandLineJobRunner
  • [BATCH-1529] - Explicit protection against exceptions in SkipPolicy to prevent infinite loop in RetryTemplate
  • [BATCH-1559] - Ability to promote FlowStep execution context to its constituent steps


  • [BATCH-1534] - JobLauncherTestUtils.setJob should take the interfacetype Job as argument rather than AbstractJob
