Spring Batch 2.1.0.M3 Release Notes

Release Notes - Spring Batch - Version 2.1.0.M3


  • [BATCH-1439] - Make step names unique inside a job
  • [BATCH-1443] - Add JobStep: a Step implementation that executes a Job


  • [BATCH-1442] - Stopping a job with two parallel steps is only stopping one of the steps
  • [BATCH-1444] - ChunkMonitor warning message about stream state is inaccurate
  • [BATCH-1452] - Stream closed exception when combining MultiResourceItemWriter and FlatFileItemWriter with footer callback
  • [BATCH-1453] - OraclePagingQueryProvider generates wrong queries for pages


  • [BATCH-509] - Add support for dates in ExecutionContext
  • [BATCH-981] - Use Woodstox instead of ref impl of StaX
  • [BATCH-1281] - Make ItemProcessor semantics optionally non-transactional and run-once
  • [BATCH-1316] - JobParameters throws NullPointerException on missing key
  • [BATCH-1434] - Corner case: job with step that repeats via a transition in a flow only executes the step once
  • [BATCH-1448] - BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper should throw BindException (so the errors can be accessed)
  • [BATCH-1449] - Option to disable transactional behavior of FlatFileItemWriter

New Feature

  • [BATCH-1246] - Add support for a JSON Reader from text files which are JSON formatted
  • [BATCH-1344] - Allow autowired to be disabled in AbstractJobTests
  • [BATCH-1347] - Restartable look-ahead (peekable) ItemReader
  • [BATCH-1380] - Make flow/ a top-level element, so it can be shared or strategised in a job
  • [BATCH-1411] - Allow a Job to specify its required JobParameters
  • [BATCH-1436] - Allow inner bean for configuration of tasklet
  • [BATCH-1437] - Support for CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager (and for native TX in WAS)
  • [BATCH-1446] - Add convenience method to ExitStatus for capturing stack trace
  • [BATCH-1447] - Ensure that JobLauncher fails a job if the task executor cannot run it
  • [BATCH-1454] - Create a standard component that can poll for a step or job finishing


  • [BATCH-1394] - Migrate StepScope to Spring 3.0.0
  • [BATCH-1450] - Make Map Daos store data in instance variables (instead of static)
