Spring Batch 2.1.4 Release Notes


  • [BATCH-1572] - Step not failing on org.springframework.transaction.UnexpectedRollbackException
  • [BATCH-1632] - DefaultFieldSet#readBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) and NumberFormatException
  • [BATCH-1633] - Dependency injection problem with step scoped anonymous inner bean
  • [BATCH-1637] - OraclePagingQueryProvider adds an extra column to the jump to page query
  • [BATCH-1638] - Possible NullPointerException when using no-rollback
  • [BATCH-1639] - Oracle jumpToItemQuery needs a tweak (again)
  • [BATCH-1640] - File writers do not behave correctly on rollback
  • [BATCH-1643] - Unpredictable binding in BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper because of "fuzzy" property matching
  • [BATCH-1647] - Inner bean with a late binding parameter in the constructor does not work
  • [BATCH-1648] - Paging query for IbatisPagingItemReader in reference documentation is incorrect


  • [BATCH-1629] - FaultTolerantChunkProcessor contains dangerous log statements
  • [BATCH-1631] - Typos on Spring Batch home page


  • [BATCH-1627] - SpringValidator - include Binding Results with the thrown ValidationException
  • [BATCH-1630] - Add defensive logging conditionals in performance critical areas of the code base.
  • [BATCH-1634] - Documentation: custom tableprefix for JobExplorer
  • [BATCH-1636] - AutomaticJobRegistar should implement the Ordered interface
  • [BATCH-1650] - Override GroupAwareJob#toString method

New Feature

  • [BATCH-1628] - Add job parameters via properties file in CommandLineJobRunner