Spring Batch 2.1.6 Release Notes


  • [BATCH-1672] - When appendAllowed is true, file is not created (in the first time).
  • [BATCH-1687] - Fix documentation for Step Listeners
  • [BATCH-1688] - Add listeners/ to step/ and chunk/


  • [BATCH-1635] - Spring Batch and Hibernate Search do not work together
  • [BATCH-1654] - StepExecution.equals() should consider id as well as name and jobExecution
  • [BATCH-1656] - Infinite loop on no-rollback-for exception when skipLimit is reached due to exception in ItemProcessor
  • [BATCH-1657] - ORDER BY clause missing from paging queries for Derby
  • [BATCH-1659] - FileUtils setUpOutputFile fails on NAS from linux
  • [BATCH-1670] - Nested splits lead to invalid flow definition
  • [BATCH-1671] - static methods are not public in ExecutionContextTestUtils
  • [BATCH-1680] - Simple cli sample hangs because of wrong dependency
  • [BATCH-1681] - Restarting a job that generates XML output using StaxEventItemWriter with Woodstox fails



  • [BATCH-1661] - FlatFileItemReader always logs as ERROR non data lines even though the row should be skipped
  • [BATCH-1662] - FieldSetFactory inconsistent parameter ordering create method
  • [BATCH-1665] - Provide MultiResourceItemReader property controlling whether or not it fails when there are "no resources to read"
  • [BATCH-1668] - Check for existing transaction when job is started (and fail if present by default)

New Feature

  • [BATCH-1224] - Appending functionality in FlatFileItemwriter
  • [BATCH-1509] - Allow a step inside a partition to be specified as an inner bean definition (as well as a reference)
  • [BATCH-1514] - Support for the listeners tag in the partition element