See: Description
Interface | Description |
ItemPreparedStatementSetter<T> |
A convenient strategy for SQL updates, acting effectively as the inverse of
RowMapper . |
ItemSqlParameterSourceProvider<T> |
A convenient strategy for providing SqlParameterSource for named parameter SQL updates.
PagingQueryProvider |
Interface defining the functionality to be provided for generating paging queries for use with Paging
Item Readers.
Class | Description |
AbstractCursorItemReader<T> |
Abstract base class for any simple item reader that opens a database cursor and continually retrieves
the next row in the ResultSet.
AbstractPagingItemReader<T> |
ItemStreamReader for to extend when
reading database records in a paging fashion. |
BeanPropertyItemSqlParameterSourceProvider<T> |
A convenient implementation for providing BeanPropertySqlParameterSource when the item has JavaBean properties
that correspond to names used for parameters in the SQL statement.
ExtendedConnectionDataSourceProxy |
Implementation of
SmartDataSource that is capable of keeping a single
JDBC Connection which is NOT closed after each use even if
Connection.close() is called. |
HibernateCursorItemReader<T> |
ItemStreamReader for reading database records built on top of Hibernate. |
HibernateItemReaderHelper<T> |
Internal shared state helper for hibernate readers managing sessions and
HibernateItemWriter<T> |
ItemWriter that uses a Hibernate session to save or update entities
that are not part of the current Hibernate session. |
HibernatePagingItemReader<T> |
ItemReader for reading database records built on top of Hibernate and
reading only up to a fixed number of items at a time. |
IbatisBatchItemWriter<T> | Deprecated
as of Spring Batch 3.0, in favor of the native Spring Batch support
in the MyBatis follow-up project (
IbatisPagingItemReader<T> | Deprecated
as of Spring Batch 3.0, in favor of the native Spring Batch support
in the MyBatis follow-up project (
JdbcBatchItemWriter<T> |
ItemWriter that uses the batching features from
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate to execute a batch of statements for all items
provided. |
JdbcCursorItemReader<T> |
Simple item reader implementation that opens a JDBC cursor and continually retrieves the
next row in the ResultSet.
JdbcPagingItemReader<T> |
ItemReader for reading database
records using JDBC in a paging fashion. |
JdbcParameterUtils |
Helper methods for SQL statement parameter parsing.
JpaItemWriter<T> |
ItemWriter that is using a JPA
EntityManagerFactory to merge any Entities that aren't part of the
persistence context. |
JpaPagingItemReader<T> |
ItemReader for reading database
records built on top of JPA. |
StoredProcedureItemReader<T> |
Item reader implementation that executes a stored procedure and then reads the returned cursor
and continually retrieves the next row in the
ResultSet . |
Enum | Description |
Order |
The direction of the sort in an ORDER BY clause.
Infrastructure implementations of database based item readers and writers.