Interface RepeatOperations

All Known Implementing Classes:
RepeatTemplate, TaskExecutorRepeatTemplate

public interface RepeatOperations
The main interface providing access to batch operations. The batch client is the RepeatCallback, where a single item or record is processed. The batch behaviour, boundary conditions, transactions etc, are dealt with by the RepeatOperations in such as way that the client does not need to know about them. The client may have access to framework abstractions, like template data sources, but these should work the same whether they are in a batch or not.
Dave Syer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Execute the callback repeatedly, until a decision can be made to complete.
  • Method Details

    • iterate

      RepeatStatus iterate(RepeatCallback callback) throws RepeatException
      Execute the callback repeatedly, until a decision can be made to complete. The decision about how many times to execute or when to complete, and what to do in the case of an error is delegated to a CompletionPolicy.
      callback - the batch callback.
      the aggregate of the result of all the callback operations. An indication of whether the RepeatOperations can continue processing if this method is called again.