
Builder for SpringApplication and ApplicationContext instances with convenient fluent API and context hierarchy support. Simple example of a context hierarchy:

new SpringApplicationBuilder(ParentConfig.class).child(ChildConfig.class).run(args);
Another common use case is setting active profiles and default properties to set up the environment for an application:
new SpringApplicationBuilder(Application.class).profiles("server")

If your needs are simpler, consider using the static convenience methods in SpringApplication instead.


Dave Syer

Andy Wilkinson



See also


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constructor(sources: Array<Class<out Any>>)
constructor(resourceLoader: ResourceLoader, sources: Array<Class<out Any>>)


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Adds BootstrapRegistryInitializer instances that can be used to initialize the BootstrapRegistry.
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open fun addCommandLineProperties(addCommandLineProperties: Boolean): SpringApplicationBuilder
Flag to indicate that command line arguments should be added to the environment.
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open fun allowCircularReferences(allowCircularReferences: Boolean): SpringApplicationBuilder
Whether to allow circular references between beans and automatically try to resolve them.
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Accessor for the current application.
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Configure the ApplicationStartup to be used with the ApplicationContext for collecting startup metrics.
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Sets the Banner instance which will be used to print the banner when no static banner file is provided.
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Bean name generator for automatically generated bean names in the application context.
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Returns a fully configured SpringApplication that is ready to run.
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open fun child(sources: Array<Class<out Any>>): SpringApplicationBuilder
Create a child application with the provided sources.
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Accessor for the current application context.
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Explicitly set the factory used to create the application context.
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Environment for the application context.
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open fun environmentPrefix(environmentPrefix: String): SpringApplicationBuilder
Prefix that should be applied when obtaining configuration properties from the system environment.
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Sets if the application is headless and should not instantiate AWT.
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Add some initializers to the application (applied to the ApplicationContext before any bean definitions are loaded).
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open fun lazyInitialization(lazyInitialization: Boolean): SpringApplicationBuilder
Flag to control whether the application should be initialized lazily.
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Add some listeners to the application (listening for SpringApplication events as well as regular Spring events once the context is running).
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Flag to indicate the startup information should be logged.
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open fun main(mainApplicationClass: Class<out Any>): SpringApplicationBuilder
Fixes the main application class that is used to anchor the startup messages.
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open fun parent(sources: Array<Class<out Any>>): SpringApplicationBuilder
Add a parent application with the provided sources.
Add an already running parent context to an existing application.
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Add to the active Spring profiles for this app (and its parent and children).
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open fun properties(defaultProperties: Array<String>): SpringApplicationBuilder
Default properties for the environment in the form key=value or key:value.
Default properties for the environment.
open fun properties(defaultProperties: Properties): SpringApplicationBuilder
Default properties for the environment.Multiple calls to this method are cumulative and will not clear any previously set properties.
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open fun registerShutdownHook(registerShutdownHook: Boolean): SpringApplicationBuilder
Sets if the created ApplicationContext should have a shutdown hook registered.
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ResourceLoader for the application context.
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Create an application context (and its parent if specified) with the command line args provided.
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Flag to indicate if the ApplicationConversionService should be added to the application context's Environment.
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open fun sibling(sources: Array<Class<out Any>>): SpringApplicationBuilder
open fun sibling(sources: Array<Class<out Any>>, args: Array<String>): SpringApplicationBuilder
Create a sibling application (one with the same parent).
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open fun sources(sources: Array<Class<out Any>>): SpringApplicationBuilder
Add more sources (configuration classes and components) to this application.
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open fun web(webApplicationType: WebApplicationType): SpringApplicationBuilder
Flag to explicitly request a specific type of web application.