BindHandler to enforce that all configuration properties under the root name have been bound.
Phillip Webb
Madhura Bhave
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open fun onCreate(name: ConfigurationPropertyName, target: Bindable<out Any>, context: BindContext, result: Any): Any
Called when binding of an element ends with an unbound result and a newly created instance is about to be returned.
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open fun onFailure(name: ConfigurationPropertyName, target: Bindable<out Any>, context: BindContext, error: Exception): Any
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open fun onFinish(name: ConfigurationPropertyName, target: Bindable<out Any>, context: BindContext, result: Any)
Called when binding finishes with either bound or unbound result.
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open fun <T> onStart(name: ConfigurationPropertyName, target: Bindable<T>, context: BindContext): Bindable<T>
Called when binding of an element starts but before any result has been determined.
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open fun onSuccess(name: ConfigurationPropertyName, target: Bindable<out Any>, context: BindContext, result: Any): Any
Called when binding of an element ends with a successful result.