
Builder for jdk.


Phillip Webb

Andy Wilkinson

Scott Frederick




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Build a fully configured ClientHttpRequestFactory, applying the given settings if they are provided.
open fun build(): T
Build a default configured ClientHttpRequestFactory.
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Detect the most suitable ClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder based on the classpath.
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open fun <T : ClientHttpRequestFactory?> of(requestFactoryType: Class<T>): ClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder<T>
Return a new ClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder for the given requestFactoryType.
open fun <T : ClientHttpRequestFactory?> of(requestFactorySupplier: Supplier<T>): ClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder<T>
Return a new ClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder from the given supplier, using reflection to ultimately apply the ClientHttpRequestFactorySettings.
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Return a new ClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder that applies the given customizer to the ClientHttpRequestFactory after it has been built.
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Return a new ClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder that applies the given customizers to the ClientHttpRequestFactory after it has been built.
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open fun withHttpClientCustomizer(httpClientCustomizer: Consumer<HttpClient.Builder>): JdkClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder
Return a new JdkClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder that applies additional customization to the underlying java.net.http.HttpClient.Builder.