
Convenience class for building a DataSource. Provides a limited subset of the properties supported by a typical DataSource as well as detection logic to pick the most suitable pooling DataSource implementation.

The following pooling DataSource implementations are supported by this builder. When no type has been explicitly set, the first available pool implementation will be picked:

  • Hikari (com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource)
  • Tomcat JDBC Pool (org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource)
  • Apache DBCP2 (org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource)
  • Oracle UCP (oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceImpl)
  • C3P0 (com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource)

The following non-pooling DataSource implementations can be used when explicitly set as a type:

  • Spring's SimpleDriverDataSource (org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.SimpleDriverDataSource)
  • Oracle (oracle.jdbc.datasource.OracleDataSource)
  • H2 (org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource)
  • Postgres (org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource)
  • Any DataSource implementation with appropriately named methods

This class is commonly used in an @Bean method and often combined with @ConfigurationProperties.


Dave Syer

Madhura Bhave

Fabio Grassi

Phillip Webb





the DataSource type being built

See also


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open fun build(): T
Return a newly built DataSource instance.
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open fun create(): DataSourceBuilder<out Any>
open fun create(classLoader: ClassLoader): DataSourceBuilder<out Any>
Create a new DataSourceBuilder instance.
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open fun derivedFrom(dataSource: DataSource): DataSourceBuilder<out Any>
Create a new DataSourceBuilder instance derived from the specified data source.
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open fun driverClassName(driverClassName: String): DataSourceBuilder<T>
Set the driver class name that should be used when building the datasource.
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open fun findType(classLoader: ClassLoader): Class<out DataSource>
Find the DataSource type preferred for the given classloader.
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open fun password(password: String): DataSourceBuilder<T>
Set the password that should be used when building the datasource.
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open fun <D : DataSource?> type(type: Class<D>): DataSourceBuilder<D>
Set the DataSource type that should be built.
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open fun url(url: String): DataSourceBuilder<T>
Set the URL that should be used when building the datasource.
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open fun username(username: String): DataSourceBuilder<T>
Set the username that should be used when building the datasource.