
Callback interface that can be applied to Members to process values before they are written. Typically used to filter values, for example to reduce superfluous information or sanitize sensitive data.



the value type


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open fun <T> of(type: Class<out T>, action: UnaryOperator<T>): JsonWriter.ValueProcessor<T>
Factory method to crate a new ValueProcessor that applies the given action.
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abstract fun processValue(path: JsonWriter.MemberPath, value: T): T
Process the value at the given path.
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open fun when(predicate: Predicate<T>): JsonWriter.ValueProcessor<T>
Return a new processor from this one that only applies to member with values that match the given predicate.
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Return a new processor from this one that only applied to members with the given path.
Return a new processor from this one that only applied to members that match the given path predicate.
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Return a new processor from this one that only applied to members with the given path (ignoring escape characters).
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Return a new processor from this one that only applies to member with values of the given type.