
open class JsonContentAssert : AbstractAssert<SELF, ACTUAL>

AssertJ Assert for JsonContent.


Phillip Webb

Andy Wilkinson

Diego Berrueta

Camille Vienot




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constructor(resourceLoadClass: Class<out Any>, json: CharSequence)
Create a new JsonContentAssert instance that will load resources as UTF-8.
constructor(resourceLoadClass: Class<out Any>, charset: Charset, json: CharSequence)
Create a new JsonContentAssert instance that will load resources in the given charset.


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open var info: WritableAssertionInfo


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open fun actual(): ACTUAL
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open fun as(description: String, args: Array<Any>): SELF
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open fun <ASSERT : AbstractAssert<out Any, out Any>?> asInstanceOf(    instanceOfAssertFactory: InstanceOfAssertFactory<out Any, ASSERT>): ASSERT
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open fun asList(): AbstractListAssert<out Any, List<out Any>, Any, ObjectAssert<Any>>
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open fun asString(): AbstractStringAssert<out Any>
abstract fun asString(): AbstractCharSequenceAssert<out Any, String>
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open fun describedAs(description: Description): SELF
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open fun doesNotHave(condition: Condition<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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Verify that the actual value at the given JSON path does not produce an empty result.
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Verify that the JSON path is not present, even if it has a null value.
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Verify that the actual value at the given JSON path produces no result.
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open fun doesNotHaveSameClassAs(other: Any): SELF
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open fun doesNotHaveSameHashCodeAs(other: Any): SELF
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open fun doesNotHaveToString(otherToString: String): SELF
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open fun doesNotMatch(predicate: Predicate<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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open fun equals(obj: Any): Boolean
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open fun <E> extractingJsonPathArrayValue(expression: CharSequence, args: Array<Any>): ListAssert<E>
Extract the array value at the given JSON path for further object assertions.
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open fun extractingJsonPathBooleanValue(expression: CharSequence, args: Array<Any>): AbstractBooleanAssert<out Any>
Extract the boolean value at the given JSON path for further object assertions.
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open fun <K, V> extractingJsonPathMapValue(expression: CharSequence, args: Array<Any>): MapAssert<K, V>
Extract the map value at the given JSON path for further object assertions.
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open fun extractingJsonPathNumberValue(expression: CharSequence, args: Array<Any>): AbstractObjectAssert<out Any, Number>
Extract the number value at the given JSON path for further object assertions.
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open fun extractingJsonPathStringValue(expression: CharSequence, args: Array<Any>): AbstractCharSequenceAssert<out Any, String>
Extract the string value at the given JSON path for further object assertions.
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open fun extractingJsonPathValue(expression: CharSequence, args: Array<Any>): AbstractObjectAssert<out Any, Any>
Extract the value at the given JSON path for further object assertions.
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open fun getWritableAssertionInfo(): WritableAssertionInfo
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open fun has(condition: Condition<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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Verify that the actual value at the given JSON path produces an empty result.
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun hasJsonPath(expression: CharSequence, args: Array<Any>): JsonContentAssert
Verify that the JSON path is present without checking if it has a value.
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Verify that the actual value at the given JSON path produces a non-null array result.
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Verify that the actual value at the given JSON path produces a non-null boolean result.
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Verify that the actual value at the given JSON path produces a non-null map result.
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Verify that the actual value at the given JSON path produces a non-null number result.
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Verify that the actual value at the given JSON path produces a non-null string result.
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Verify that the actual value at the given JSON path produces a non-null result.
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open fun hasSameClassAs(other: Any): SELF
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open fun hasSameHashCodeAs(other: Any): SELF
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open fun hasToString(expectedToString: String): SELF
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open fun is(condition: Condition<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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open fun isEqualTo(expected: Any): JsonContentAssert
Overridden version of isEqualTo to perform JSON tests based on the object type.
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Verifies that the actual value is leniently equal to the specified JSON bytes.
open fun isEqualToJson(expected: File): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is leniently equal to the specified JSON file.
Verifies that the actual value is leniently equal to the specified JSON input stream.
Verifies that the actual value is leniently equal to the specified JSON.
open fun isEqualToJson(path: String, resourceLoadClass: Class<out Any>): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is leniently equal to the specified JSON resource.
open fun isEqualToJson(expected: Array<Byte>, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isEqualToJson(expected: Array<Byte>, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the specified JSON bytes.
open fun isEqualToJson(expected: File, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isEqualToJson(expected: File, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the specified JSON file.
open fun isEqualToJson(expected: InputStream, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isEqualToJson(expected: InputStream, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the specified JSON input stream.
open fun isEqualToJson(expected: CharSequence, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isEqualToJson(expected: CharSequence, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the specified JSON.
open fun isEqualToJson(expected: Resource, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isEqualToJson(expected: Resource, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
open fun isEqualToJson(path: String, resourceLoadClass: Class<out Any>, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isEqualToJson(path: String, resourceLoadClass: Class<out Any>, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the specified JSON resource.
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open fun isExactlyInstanceOf(type: Class<out Any>): SELF
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open fun isIn(values: Array<Any>): SELF
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open fun isInstanceOf(type: Class<out Any>): SELF
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open fun isInstanceOfAny(types: Array<Class<out Any>>): SELF
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open fun <T> isInstanceOfSatisfying(type: Class<T>, requirements: Consumer<T>): SELF
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open fun isNot(condition: Condition<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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open fun isNotEqualTo(expected: Any): JsonContentAssert
Overridden version of isNotEqualTo to perform JSON tests based on the object type.
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Verifies that the actual value is not leniently equal to the specified JSON bytes.
Verifies that the actual value is not leniently equal to the specified JSON file.
Verifies that the actual value is not leniently equal to the specified JSON input stream.
Verifies that the actual value is not leniently equal to the specified JSON.
open fun isNotEqualToJson(path: String, resourceLoadClass: Class<out Any>): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is not leniently equal to the specified JSON resource.
open fun isNotEqualToJson(expected: Array<Byte>, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isNotEqualToJson(expected: Array<Byte>, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is not equal to the specified JSON bytes.
open fun isNotEqualToJson(expected: File, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isNotEqualToJson(expected: File, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is not equal to the specified JSON file.
open fun isNotEqualToJson(expected: InputStream, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isNotEqualToJson(expected: InputStream, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is not equal to the specified JSON input stream.
open fun isNotEqualToJson(expected: CharSequence, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isNotEqualToJson(expected: CharSequence, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is not equal to the specified JSON.
open fun isNotEqualToJson(expected: Resource, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isNotEqualToJson(expected: Resource, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
open fun isNotEqualToJson(path: String, resourceLoadClass: Class<out Any>, compareMode: JSONCompareMode): JsonContentAssert
open fun isNotEqualToJson(path: String, resourceLoadClass: Class<out Any>, comparator: JSONComparator): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is not equal to the specified JSON resource.
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open fun isNotExactlyInstanceOf(type: Class<out Any>): SELF
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open fun isNotIn(values: Array<Any>): SELF
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open fun isNotInstanceOf(type: Class<out Any>): SELF
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open fun isNotInstanceOfAny(types: Array<Class<out Any>>): SELF
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open fun isNotNull(): SELF
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open fun isNotOfAnyClassIn(types: Array<Class<out Any>>): SELF
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open fun isNotSameAs(other: Any): SELF
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Verifies that the actual value is not strictly equal to the specified JSON bytes.
Verifies that the actual value is not strictly equal to the specified JSON file.
Verifies that the actual value is not strictly equal to the specified JSON input stream.
Verifies that the actual value is not strictly equal to the specified JSON.
open fun isNotStrictlyEqualToJson(path: String, resourceLoadClass: Class<out Any>): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is not strictly equal to the specified JSON resource.
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open fun isNull()
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open fun isOfAnyClassIn(types: Array<Class<out Any>>): SELF
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open fun isSameAs(expected: Any): SELF
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Verifies that the actual value is strictly equal to the specified JSON bytes.
Verifies that the actual value is strictly equal to the specified JSON file.
Verifies that the actual value is strictly equal to the specified JSON input stream.
Verifies that the actual value is strictly equal to the specified JSON.
open fun isStrictlyEqualToJson(path: String, resourceLoadClass: Class<out Any>): JsonContentAssert
Verifies that the actual value is strictly equal to the specified JSON resource.
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open fun matches(predicate: Predicate<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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open fun overridingErrorMessage(newErrorMessage: String, args: Array<Any>): SELF
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open fun satisfies(condition: Condition<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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fun satisfiesAnyOf(assertions: Array<Consumer<in ACTUAL>>): SELF
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open fun setCustomRepresentation(customRepresentation: Representation)
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open fun setDescriptionConsumer(descriptionConsumer: Consumer<Description>)
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open fun setPrintAssertionsDescription(printAssertionsDescription: Boolean)
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open fun usingComparator(customComparator: Comparator<in ACTUAL>): SELF
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open fun usingDefaultComparator(): SELF
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open fun usingEquals(predicate: BiPredicate<in ACTUAL, in ACTUAL>): SELF
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open fun withFailMessage(newErrorMessage: String, args: Array<Any>): SELF
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open fun withRepresentation(representation: Representation): SELF
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open fun withThreadDumpOnError(): SELF