Class AbstractApplicationContextRunner<SELF extends AbstractApplicationContextRunner<SELF,C,A>,C extends ConfigurableApplicationContext,A extends ApplicationContextAssertProvider<C>>

Type Parameters:
SELF - the "self" type for this runner
C - the context type
A - the application context assertion provider
Direct Known Subclasses:
ApplicationContextRunner, ReactiveWebApplicationContextRunner, WebApplicationContextRunner

public abstract class AbstractApplicationContextRunner<SELF extends AbstractApplicationContextRunner<SELF,C,A>,C extends ConfigurableApplicationContext,A extends ApplicationContextAssertProvider<C>> extends Object
Utility design to run an ApplicationContext and provide AssertJ style assertions. The test is best used as a field of a test class, describing the shared configuration required for the test:
 public class MyContextTests {
     private final ApplicationContextRunner contextRunner = new ApplicationContextRunner()

The initialization above makes sure to register MyConfiguration for all tests and set the property to bar unless specified otherwise.

Based on the configuration above, a specific test can simulate what will happen when the context runs, perhaps with overridden property values:

 public someTest() {
     this.contextRunner.withPropertyValues("").run((context) -> {
         // other assertions

The test above has changed the property to biz and is asserting that the context contains a single MyBean bean. The run method takes a ContextConsumer that can apply assertions to the context. Upon completion, the context is automatically closed.

If the application context fails to start the #run(ContextConsumer) method is called with a "failed" application context. Calls to the context will throw an IllegalStateException and assertions that expect a running context will fail. The getFailure() assertion can be used if further checks are required on the cause of the failure:

 public someTest() {
     this.context.withPropertyValues("").run((loaded) -> {
         // other assertions

Stephane Nicoll, Andy Wilkinson, Phillip Webb
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • withAllowBeanDefinitionOverriding

      public SELF withAllowBeanDefinitionOverriding(boolean allowBeanDefinitionOverriding)
      Specify if bean definition overriding, by registering a definition with the same name as an existing definition, should be allowed.
      allowBeanDefinitionOverriding - if bean overriding is allowed
      a new instance with the updated bean definition overriding policy
      See Also:
    • withAllowCircularReferences

      public SELF withAllowCircularReferences(boolean allowCircularReferences)
      Specify if circular references between beans should be allowed.
      allowCircularReferences - if circular references between beans are allowed
      a new instance with the updated circular references policy
      See Also:
    • withInitializer

      public SELF withInitializer(ApplicationContextInitializer<? super C> initializer)
      Add an ApplicationContextInitializer to be called when the context is created.
      initializer - the initializer to add
      a new instance with the updated initializers
    • withPropertyValues

      public SELF withPropertyValues(String... pairs)
      Add the specified Environment property pairs. Key-value pairs can be specified with colon (":") or equals ("=") separators. Override matching keys that might have been specified previously.
      pairs - the key-value pairs for properties that need to be added to the environment
      a new instance with the updated property values
      See Also:
    • withSystemProperties

      public SELF withSystemProperties(String... pairs)
      Add the specified System property pairs. Key-value pairs can be specified with colon (":") or equals ("=") separators. System properties are added before the context is run and restored when the context is closed.
      pairs - the key-value pairs for properties that need to be added to the system
      a new instance with the updated system properties
      See Also:
    • withClassLoader

      public SELF withClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
      Customize the ClassLoader that the ApplicationContext should use for resource loading and bean class loading.
      classLoader - the classloader to use (can be null to use the default)
      a new instance with the updated class loader
      See Also:
    • withParent

      public SELF withParent(ApplicationContext parent)
      Configure the parent of the ApplicationContext.
      parent - the parent
      a new instance with the updated parent
    • withBean

      public <T> SELF withBean(Class<T> type, Object... constructorArgs)
      Register the specified user bean with the ApplicationContext. The bean name is generated from the configured BeanNameGenerator on the underlying context.

      Such beans are registered after regular user configurations in the order of registration.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the bean
      type - the type of the bean
      constructorArgs - custom argument values to be fed into Spring's constructor resolution algorithm, resolving either all arguments or just specific ones, with the rest to be resolved through regular autowiring (may be null or empty)
      a new instance with the updated bean
    • withBean

      public <T> SELF withBean(String name, Class<T> type, Object... constructorArgs)
      Register the specified user bean with the ApplicationContext.

      Such beans are registered after regular user configurations in the order of registration.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the bean
      name - the bean name or null to use a generated name
      type - the type of the bean
      constructorArgs - custom argument values to be fed into Spring's constructor resolution algorithm, resolving either all arguments or just specific ones, with the rest to be resolved through regular autowiring (may be null or empty)
      a new instance with the updated bean
    • withBean

      public <T> SELF withBean(Class<T> type, Supplier<T> supplier, BeanDefinitionCustomizer... customizers)
      Register the specified user bean with the ApplicationContext. The bean name is generated from the configured BeanNameGenerator on the underlying context.

      Such beans are registered after regular user configurations in the order of registration.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the bean
      type - the type of the bean
      supplier - a supplier for the bean
      customizers - one or more callbacks for customizing the factory's BeanDefinition, e.g. setting a lazy-init or primary flag
      a new instance with the updated bean
    • withBean

      public <T> SELF withBean(String name, Class<T> type, Supplier<T> supplier, BeanDefinitionCustomizer... customizers)
      Register the specified user bean with the ApplicationContext. The bean name is generated from the configured BeanNameGenerator on the underlying context.

      Such beans are registered after regular user configurations in the order of registration.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the bean
      name - the bean name or null to use a generated name
      type - the type of the bean
      supplier - a supplier for the bean
      customizers - one or more callbacks for customizing the factory's BeanDefinition, e.g. setting a lazy-init or primary flag
      a new instance with the updated bean
    • withUserConfiguration

      public SELF withUserConfiguration(Class<?>... configurationClasses)
      Register the specified user configuration classes with the ApplicationContext.
      configurationClasses - the user configuration classes to add
      a new instance with the updated configuration
    • withConfiguration

      public SELF withConfiguration(Configurations configurations)
      Register the specified configuration classes with the ApplicationContext.
      configurations - the configurations to add
      a new instance with the updated configuration
    • with

      public SELF with(Function<SELF,SELF> customizer)
      Apply customization to this runner.
      customizer - the customizer to call
      a new instance with the customizations applied
    • run

      public SELF run(ContextConsumer<? super A> consumer)
      Create and refresh a new ApplicationContext based on the current state of this loader. The context is consumed by the specified consumer and closed upon completion.
      consumer - the consumer of the created ApplicationContext
      this instance