Interface RecoveryStrategy<E extends Exception>

Type Parameters:
E - the kind of exception that is intercepted during parsing
All Known Implementing Classes:
AppsAfterDoublePipeRecoveryStrategy, AppsAfterPipeRecoveryStrategy, ConfigurationPropertyValueHintRecoveryStrategy, ConfigurationPropertyValueHintTaskRecoveryStrategy, StacktraceFingerprintingRecoveryStrategy, StacktraceFingerprintingTaskRecoveryStrategy, TapOnDestinationRecoveryStrategy, UnfinishedConfigurationPropertyNameRecoveryStrategy, UnfinishedConfigurationPropertyNameTaskRecoveryStrategy

public interface RecoveryStrategy<E extends Exception>
Used to provide completions on ill-formed stream definitions, after an initial (failed) parse.
Eric Bottard
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addProposals(String dsl, E exception, int detailLevel, List<CompletionProposal> proposals)
    Perform code completion by adding proposals to the proposals list.
    shouldTrigger(String dslStart, Exception exception)
    Whether this completion should be triggered.
  • Method Details

    • shouldTrigger

      boolean shouldTrigger(String dslStart, Exception exception)
      Whether this completion should be triggered.
      dslStart - the partial DSL text
      exception - the exception thrown when parsing the DSL text
      if proposals to complete the DSL should be provided
    • addProposals

      void addProposals(String dsl, E exception, int detailLevel, List<CompletionProposal> proposals)
      Perform code completion by adding proposals to the proposals list.
      dsl - the partial DSL text
      exception - the exception thrown when parsing the DSL text
      detailLevel - an integer describing the level of detail to include in proposal, starting at 1. Higher values request more detail, with values typically in the range [1..5]
      proposals - the list of completion proposals to show the user