Class StacktraceFingerprintingTaskRecoveryStrategy<E extends Exception>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ConfigurationPropertyValueHintTaskRecoveryStrategy, UnfinishedConfigurationPropertyNameTaskRecoveryStrategy

public abstract class StacktraceFingerprintingTaskRecoveryStrategy<E extends Exception> extends Object implements RecoveryStrategy<E>
A recovery strategy that will trigger if the parser failure is similar to that of some sample unfinished task definition. The match is decided by analyzing the top frames of the stack trace emitted by the parser when it encounters the ill formed input. Multiple fingerprints are supported, as the control flow in the parser code may be different depending on the form of the expression. See StacktraceFingerprintingRecoveryStrategy.
Eric Bottard, Andy Clement
  • Constructor Details

    • StacktraceFingerprintingTaskRecoveryStrategy

      public StacktraceFingerprintingTaskRecoveryStrategy(Class<E> exceptionClass, String... samples)
      Construct a new StacktraceFingerprintingTaskRecoveryStrategy given the parser, and the expected exception class to be thrown for sample fragments of a task definition that is to be parsed.
      exceptionClass - the expected exception that results from parsing the sample fragment stream definitions. Stack frames from the thrown exception are used to store the fingerprint of this exception thrown by the parser.
      samples - the sample fragments of task definitions.
  • Method Details

    • shouldTrigger

      public boolean shouldTrigger(String dslStart, Exception exception)
      Description copied from interface: RecoveryStrategy
      Whether this completion should be triggered.
      Specified by:
      shouldTrigger in interface RecoveryStrategy<E extends Exception>
      dslStart - the partial DSL text
      exception - the exception thrown when parsing the DSL text
      if proposals to complete the DSL should be provided