Class GetLastServiceBindingOperationRequest


public class GetLastServiceBindingOperationRequest extends ServiceBrokerRequest
Details of a request to get the state of the last operation on a service instance binding.

Objects of this type are constructed by the framework from the headers, path variables, query parameters and message body passed to the service broker by the platform.

Scott Frederick, Roy Clarkson
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • operation

      protected final transient String operation
  • Constructor Details

    • GetLastServiceBindingOperationRequest

      public GetLastServiceBindingOperationRequest(String serviceInstanceId, String bindingId, String serviceDefinitionId, String planId, String operation, String platformInstanceId, String apiInfoLocation, Context originatingIdentity, String requestIdentity)
      serviceInstanceId - the service instance ID
      bindingId - the service binding ID
      serviceDefinitionId - the service definition ID
      planId - the plan ID
      operation - the operation
      platformInstanceId - the platform instance ID
      apiInfoLocation - location of the API info endpoint of the platform instance
      originatingIdentity - identity of the user that initiated the request from the platform
      requestIdentity - identity of the request sent from the platform
  • Method Details

    • getServiceInstanceId

      public String getServiceInstanceId()
      Get the ID of the service instance associated with the binding. This value is assigned by the platform. It must be unique within the platform and can be used to correlate any resources associated with the service instance.

      This value is set from the :instance_id path element of the request from the platform.

      the service instance ID
    • getBindingId

      public String getBindingId()
      Get the ID of the service binding. This value is assigned by the platform. It must be unique within the platform and can be used to correlate any resources associated with the service binding.

      This value is set from the :binding_id path element of the request from the platform.

      the service instance ID
    • getServiceDefinitionId

      public String getServiceDefinitionId()
      Get the ID of the service definition of the service instance.

      This value is set from the service_id request parameter of the request from the platform

      the service definition ID
    • getPlanId

      public String getPlanId()
      Get the ID of the plan of the service instance.

      This value is set from the plan_id request parameter of the request from the platform.

      the plan ID
    • getOperation

      public String getOperation()
      Get the value of the operation field previously provided to the platform.

      Service brokers can optionally return an operation value to the platform in the response from an async create, update, or delete request. The platform will pass this value back to the broker if provided.

      This value is set from the operation request parameter of the request from the platform.

      the operation value
    • builder

      Create a builder that provides a fluent API for constructing a GetLastServiceOperationRequestBuilder.

      This builder is provided to support testing of ServiceInstanceService implementations.

      the builder
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class ServiceBrokerRequest
    • canEqual

      public final boolean canEqual(Object other)
      Description copied from class: ServiceBrokerRequest
      Is another object type compatible with this object.
      canEqual in class ServiceBrokerRequest
      other - the other object
      true of compatible
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class ServiceBrokerRequest
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class ServiceBrokerRequest