21. Package Commands

Skipper’s package commands include the following:

21.1 Search

The search or its alias list command shows all the packages available to be installed by the Skipper server, as shown (with output) in the following example:

skipper:>package search
║      Name       │Version│                                  Description                                   ║
║helloworld       │1.0.0  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in English.  Maven resource.    ║
║helloworld       │1.0.1  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in Portuguese.  Maven resource. ║
║helloworld-docker│1.0.1  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in Portuguese.  Docker resource.║
║helloworld-docker│1.0.0  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in English.  Docker resource.   ║
skipper:>package list
║      Name       │Version│                                  Description                                   ║
║helloworld       │1.0.0  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in English.  Maven resource.    ║
║helloworld       │1.0.1  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in Portuguese.  Maven resource. ║
║helloworld-docker│1.0.1  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in Portuguese.  Docker resource.║
║helloworld-docker│1.0.0  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in English.  Docker resource.   ║

The search command can use --name option to search for the package name containing the given option value, as shown (with output) in the following example:

skipper:>package search --name helloworld-
║      Name       │Version│                                  Description                                   ║
║helloworld-docker│1.0.0  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in English.  Docker resource.   ║
║helloworld-docker│1.0.1  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in Portuguese.  Docker resource.║

To search for more details of the packages, the --details option can be used, as shown (with output) in the following example:

skipper:>package search --name helloworld- --details
║      Name      │                                    Value                                    ║
║apiVersion      │v1                                                                           ║
║origin          │A sample repository for using Skipper                                        ║
║repositoryId    │1                                                                            ║
║kind            │skipper                                                                      ║
║name            │helloworld-docker                                                            ║
║version         │1.0.0                                                                        ║
║packageSourceUrl│https://github.com/markpollack/skipper-sample-repository                     ║
║packageHomeUrl  │https://github.com/markpollack/skipper-sample-repository                     ║
║tags            │web, demo, docker, helloworld                                                ║
║maintainer      │https://github.com/markpollack                                               ║
║description     │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in English.  Docker resource.║
║sha256          │                                                                             ║
║iconUrl         │                                                                             ║

║      Name      │                                     Value                                      ║
║apiVersion      │v1                                                                              ║
║origin          │A sample repository for using Skipper                                           ║
║repositoryId    │1                                                                               ║
║kind            │skipper                                                                         ║
║name            │helloworld-docker                                                               ║
║version         │1.0.1                                                                           ║
║packageSourceUrl│https://github.com/markpollack/skipper-sample-repository                        ║
║packageHomeUrl  │https://github.com/markpollack/skipper-sample-repository                        ║
║tags            │web, demo, docker, helloworld                                                   ║
║maintainer      │https://github.com/markpollack                                                  ║
║description     │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in Portuguese.  Docker resource.║
║sha256          │                                                                                ║
║iconUrl         │                                                                                ║

21.2 Upload

This command uploads a package .zip file, as shown (with output) in the following example:

skipper:>package upload --path /path-to-package/mypackage-1.0.0.zip
Package uploaded successfully:[mypackage:1.0.0]

If no --repo-name is set, the upload command uses local as the repository to upload.

21.3 Install

This command installs a package, as shown (with output) in the following example:

skipper:>package install --release-name helloworldlocal --package-name helloworld --package-version 1.0.0 --properties spec.applicationProperties.server.port=8099
Released helloworldlocal. Now at version v1.

If no package-version is specified, then the latest package version by the given package-name is considered.

If no platform-name is specified, the platform name, default, is used.

The properties can either be provided through comma separated YAML string by using the --properties option or through a YAML file by using the --file option.

21.4 Delete

This command deletes a package. You can only delete a package that is in a local (database backed) repository, as shown (with output) in the following example:

skipper:>package delete --package-name helloworld
Can not delete package [helloworld], associated repository [experimental] is remote.