@ShellMethod(key="skipper config",
value="Configure the Spring Cloud Skipper REST server to use.")
public String target(@ShellOption(help="the location of the Spring Cloud Skipper REST endpoint",defaultValue="http://localhost:7577/api")
String uri,
@ShellOption(help="the username for authenticated access to the Admin REST endpoint",defaultValue="__NULL__")
String username,
@ShellOption(help="the password for authenticated access to the Admin REST endpoint (valid only with a username)",defaultValue="__NULL__")
String password,
@ShellOption(help="a command to run that outputs the HTTP credentials used for authentication",defaultValue="__NULL__")
String credentialsProviderCommand,
@ShellOption(help="accept any SSL certificate (even self-signed)")
boolean skipSslValidation)
throws Exception
- Throws: