Class TaskLauncherHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TaskLauncherHandler extends Object implements Runnable
Supports the launching of partitions.
Glenn Renfro
  • Constructor Details

    • TaskLauncherHandler

      public TaskLauncherHandler(CommandLineArgsProvider commandLineArgsProvider, TaskRepository taskRepository, boolean defaultArgsAsEnvironmentVars, String stepName, TaskExecution taskExecution, EnvironmentVariablesProvider environmentVariablesProvider, resource, Map<String,String> deploymentProperties, taskLauncher, String applicationName, org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecution workerStepExecution)
      commandLineArgsProvider - The CommandLineArgsProvider that provides command line arguments passed to each partition's execution.
      taskRepository - The TaskRepository task repository for launching the partition.
      defaultArgsAsEnvironmentVars - - If set to true, the default args that are used internally by Spring Cloud Task and Spring Batch are passed as environment variables instead of command line arguments.
      stepName - The name of the step.
      taskExecution - The TaskExecution to be associated with the partition.
      environmentVariablesProvider - EnvironmentVariablesProvider that provides the environmennt variables.
      resource - The Resource to be launched.
      deploymentProperties - The Map containing the deployment properties for the partition.
      taskLauncher - TaskLauncher that is used to launch the partition.
      applicationName - The name to be associated with task.
      workerStepExecution - The StepExecution for the paritition.
    • TaskLauncherHandler

      public TaskLauncherHandler(CommandLineArgsProvider commandLineArgsProvider, TaskRepository taskRepository, boolean defaultArgsAsEnvironmentVars, String stepName, TaskExecution taskExecution, EnvironmentVariablesProvider environmentVariablesProvider, resource, Map<String,String> deploymentProperties, taskLauncher, String applicationName)
      commandLineArgsProvider - The CommandLineArgsProvider that provides command line arguments passed to each partition's execution.
      taskRepository - The TaskRepository task repository for launching the partition.
      defaultArgsAsEnvironmentVars - - If set to true, the default args that are used internally by Spring Cloud Task and Spring Batch are passed as environment variables instead of command line arguments.
      stepName - The name of the step.
      taskExecution - The TaskExecution to be associated with the partition.
      environmentVariablesProvider - EnvironmentVariablesProvider that provides the environmennt variables.
      resource - The Resource to be launched.
      deploymentProperties - The Map containing the deployment properties for the partition.
      taskLauncher - TaskLauncher that is used to launch the partition.
      applicationName - The name to be associated with task.
  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run()
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
    • launchWorker

      public void launchWorker(org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecution workerStepExecution)
      Launches the partition for the StepExecution.
      workerStepExecution - The StepExecution