Class PasswordParameters


public class PasswordParameters extends Object
Parameters for generating a new password credential. All parameters are optional; if not specified, CredHub-provided defaults will be used.
Scott Frederick
  • Constructor Details

    • PasswordParameters

      public PasswordParameters()
      Create a PasswordParameters using defaults for all parameter values.
    • PasswordParameters

      public PasswordParameters(int length, boolean excludeUpper, boolean excludeLower, boolean excludeNumber, boolean includeSpecial)
      Create a PasswordParameters using the specified values.
      length - length of generated password value
      excludeUpper - true to exclude upper case alpha characters from generated credential value
      excludeLower - true to exclude lower case alpha characters from generated credential value
      excludeNumber - true to exclude numeric characters from generated credential value
      includeSpecial - true to include non-alphanumeric characters in generated credential value
  • Method Details

    • getLength

      public Integer getLength()
      Get the value of the length parameter.
      the value of the parameter; will be null if not explicitly set
    • getExcludeUpper

      public Boolean getExcludeUpper()
      Get the value of the exclude upper case characters parameter.
      the value of the parameter; will be null if not explicitly set
    • getExcludeLower

      public Boolean getExcludeLower()
      Get the value of the exclude lower case characters parameter.
      the value of the parameter; will be null if not explicitly set
    • getExcludeNumber

      public Boolean getExcludeNumber()
      Get the value of the exclude numeric characters parameter.
      the value of the parameter; will be null if not explicitly set
    • getIncludeSpecial

      public Boolean getIncludeSpecial()
      Get the value of the include non-alphanumeric characters parameter.
      the value of the parameter; will be null if not explicitly set
    • builder

      Create a builder that provides a fluent API for providing the values required to construct a PasswordParameters.
      a builder