Class CertificateCredentialDetails

public class CertificateCredentialDetails extends CredentialDetails<CertificateCredential>
The details of a certificate credential that has been written to CredHub. This is a specialization of CredentialDetails that adds certificate-specific fields. Clients don't typically instantiate objects of this type, but will receive them in response to credential operation requests. The id and name fields can be used in subsequent requests.
Scott Frederick
  • Constructor Details

    • CertificateCredentialDetails

      public CertificateCredentialDetails(String id, CredentialName name, CredentialType credentialType, boolean transitional, CertificateCredential value)
      Create a CertificateCredentialDetails from the provided parameters. Intended for internal use. Clients will get CertificateCredentialDetails objects populated from CredHub responses.
      id - the CredHub-generated unique ID of the credential
      name - the client-provided name of the credential
      credentialType - the CredentialType of the credential
      transitional - a flag indicating whether the certificate will be used for signing
      value - the client-provided value for the credential
  • Method Details

    • isTransitional

      public boolean isTransitional()
      Get the value of the flag indicating whether the certificate is currently being used for signing or if it is being staged.
      the transitional flag