Interface RedisConnection
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface RedisConnection
extends RedisCommandsProvider, DefaultedRedisConnection, AutoCloseable
A connection to a Redis server.
The RedisConnection
interface serves as a common abstraction across various Redis client libraries (or
Additionally, performs exception translation between the underlying Redis client library and Spring DAO exceptions. The methods follow as much as possible the Redis names and conventions.
Redis connections
, unlike perhaps their underlying native connection are not Thread-safe and
should not be shared across multiple threads, concurrently or simultaneously.
- Author:
- Costin Leau, Christoph Strobl, Mark Paluch, James Howe, John Blum
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisGeoCommands.DistanceUnit, RedisGeoCommands.GeoCommandArgs, RedisGeoCommands.GeoLocation<T>, RedisGeoCommands.GeoRadiusCommandArgs, RedisGeoCommands.GeoSearchCommandArgs, RedisGeoCommands.GeoSearchStoreCommandArgs
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisListCommands.Direction, RedisListCommands.Position
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisServerCommands.FlushOption, RedisServerCommands.MigrateOption, RedisServerCommands.ShutdownOption
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisStreamCommands.XAddOptions, RedisStreamCommands.XClaimOptions, RedisStreamCommands.XPendingOptions
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisStringCommands.BitOperation, RedisStringCommands.SetOption
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisZSetCommands.Limit, RedisZSetCommands.Range, RedisZSetCommands.ZAddArgs
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Closes or quits the connection.Executes the commands in the pipeline and returns their result.Returns the native connection (the underlying library/driver object).boolean
Indicates whether the underlying connection is closed or not.boolean
Indicates whether the connection is currently pipelined or not.boolean
Indicates whether the connection is in "queue"(or "MULTI") mode or not.void
Activates the pipeline mode for this connection.Methods inherited from interface
append, applyHashFieldExpiration, bgReWriteAof, bgSave, bitCount, bitCount, bitField, bitOp, bitPos, bLMove, bLPop, bRPop, bRPopLPush, bZPopMax, bZPopMin, copy, dbSize, decr, decrBy, del, dump, encodingOf, eval, evalSha, evalSha, exists, exists, expire, expire, expireAt, expireAt, flushAll, flushAll, flushDb, flushDb, geoAdd, geoAdd, geoAdd, geoDist, geoDist, geoHash, geoPos, geoRadius, geoRadius, geoRadiusByMember, geoRadiusByMember, geoRemove, geoSearch, geoSearchStore, get, getBit, getClientList, getClientName, getConfig, getDel, getEx, getRange, getSet, hDel, hExists, hExpire, hExpire, hExpireAt, hExpireAt, hGet, hGetAll, hIncrBy, hIncrBy, hKeys, hLen, hMGet, hMSet, hPersist, hpExpire, hpExpire, hpExpireAt, hpExpireAt, hpTtl, hRandField, hRandField, hRandFieldWithValues, hRandFieldWithValues, hScan, hSet, hSetNX, hStrLen, hTtl, hTtl, hVals, idletime, incr, incrBy, incrBy, info, info, keys, killClient, lastSave, lIndex, lInsert, lLen, lMove, lPop, lPop, lPos, lPush, lPushX, lRange, lRem, lSet, lTrim, mGet, migrate, migrate, move, mSet, mSetNX, persist, pExpire, pExpire, pExpireAt, pExpireAt, pfAdd, pfCount, pfMerge, pSetEx, pTtl, pTtl, randomKey, refcount, rename, renameNX, replicaOf, replicaOfNoOne, resetConfigStats, restore, rewriteConfig, rPop, rPop, rPopLPush, rPush, rPushX, sAdd, save, scan, sCard, scriptExists, scriptFlush, scriptKill, scriptLoad, sDiff, sDiffStore, set, set, setBit, setClientName, setConfig, setEx, setGet, setNX, setRange, shutdown, shutdown, sInter, sInterStore, sIsMember, sMembers, sMIsMember, sMove, sort, sort, sPop, sPop, sRandMember, sRandMember, sRem, sScan, strLen, sUnion, sUnionStore, time, time, touch, ttl, ttl, type, unlink, xAck, xAdd, xClaim, xClaimJustId, xDel, xGroupCreate, xGroupCreate, xGroupDelConsumer, xGroupDestroy, xInfo, xInfoConsumers, xInfoGroups, xLen, xPending, xPending, xRange, xRange, xRead, xRead, xReadGroup, xReadGroup, xRevRange, xRevRange, xTrim, xTrim, zAdd, zAdd, zCard, zCount, zCount, zDiff, zDiffStore, zDiffWithScores, zIncrBy, zInter, zInterStore, zInterStore, zInterStore, zInterWithScores, zInterWithScores, zInterWithScores, zLexCount, zMScore, zPopMax, zPopMax, zPopMin, zPopMin, zRandMember, zRandMember, zRandMemberWithScore, zRandMemberWithScore, zRange, zRangeByLex, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScoreWithScores, zRangeStoreByLex, zRangeStoreByScore, zRangeStoreRevByLex, zRangeStoreRevByScore, zRangeWithScores, zRank, zRem, zRemRange, zRemRangeByLex, zRemRangeByScore, zRemRangeByScore, zRevRange, zRevRangeByLex, zRevRangeByScore, zRevRangeByScoreWithScores, zRevRangeWithScores, zRevRank, zScan, zScore, zUnion, zUnionStore, zUnionStore, zUnionStore, zUnionWithScores, zUnionWithScores, zUnionWithScores
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
commands, geoCommands, hashCommands, hyperLogLogCommands, keyCommands, listCommands, scriptingCommands, serverCommands, setCommands, streamCommands, stringCommands, zSetCommands
Methods inherited from interface
echo, ping, select
Methods inherited from interface
geoAdd, geoRadiusByMember
Methods inherited from interface
applyHashFieldExpiration, hExpire, hpExpire
Methods inherited from interface
applyExpiration, expire, expireAt, pExpire, pExpireAt, restore, scan
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getSubscription, isSubscribed, pSubscribe, publish, subscribe
Methods inherited from interface
xAck, xAdd, xAdd, xClaim, xDel, xGroupDelConsumer, xPending, xPending, xPending, xPending, xPending
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
discard, exec, multi, unwatch, watch
Methods inherited from interface
zAdd, zAdd, zRangeByLex, zRangeByLex, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScoreWithScores, zRangeByScoreWithScores, zRangeByScoreWithScores, zRangeStoreByLex, zRangeStoreByScore, zRangeStoreRevByLex, zRangeStoreRevByScore, zRevRangeByLex, zRevRangeByLex, zRevRangeByScore, zRevRangeByScore, zRevRangeByScore, zRevRangeByScoreWithScores, zRevRangeByScoreWithScores, zRevRangeByScoreWithScores
Method Details
Closes or quits the connection.- Specified by:
in interfaceAutoCloseable
- Throws:
- if theRedisConnection
could not be closed.
boolean isClosed()Indicates whether the underlying connection is closed or not.- Returns:
- true if the connection is closed, false otherwise.
Object getNativeConnection()Returns the native connection (the underlying library/driver object).- Returns:
- underlying, native object
boolean isQueueing()Indicates whether the connection is in "queue"(or "MULTI") mode or not. When queueing, all commands are postponed until EXEC or DISCARD commands are issued. Since in queueing no results are returned, the connection will return NULL on all operations that interact with the data.- Returns:
- true if the connection is in queue/MULTI mode, false otherwise
boolean isPipelined()Indicates whether the connection is currently pipelined or not.- Returns:
- true if the connection is pipelined, false otherwise
- See Also:
void openPipeline()Activates the pipeline mode for this connection. When pipelined, all commands return null (the reply is read at the end throughclosePipeline()
. Calling this method when the connection is already pipelined has no effect. Pipelining is used for issuing commands without requesting the response right away but rather at the end of the batch. While somewhat similar to MULTI, pipelining does not guarantee atomicity - it only tries to improve performance when issuing a lot of commands (such as in batching scenarios).Note:
Consider doing some performance testing before using this feature since in many cases the performance benefits are minimal yet the impact on usage are not.- See Also:
Executes the commands in the pipeline and returns their result. If the connection is not pipelined, an empty collection is returned.- Returns:
- the result of the executed commands.
- Throws:
- if the pipeline contains any incorrect/invalid statements
RedisSentinelConnection getSentinelConnection()- Returns:
- the
when using Redis Sentinel. - Since:
- 1.4