Spring Data Core

Package org.springframework.data.auditing

General support for entity auditing.


Interface Summary
AuditableBeanWrapper Interface to abstract the ways setting the auditing information can be implemented.
DateTimeProvider SPI to calculate the DateTime instance to be used when auditing.

Class Summary
AuditingHandler<T> Auditing handler to mark entity objects created and modified.
IsNewAwareAuditingHandler<T> AuditingHandler extension that uses an IsNewStrategyFactory to expose a generic IsNewAwareAuditingHandler.markAudited(Object) method that will route calls to AuditingHandler.markCreated(Object) or AuditingHandler.markModified(Object) based on the IsNewStrategy determined from the factory.

Enum Summary
CurrentDateTimeProvider Default DateTimeProvider simply creating new DateTime instances for each method call.

Package org.springframework.data.auditing Description

General support for entity auditing.

Spring Data Core

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