Spring Data Core

Package org.springframework.data.convert

General purpose conversion framework to read objects from a data store abstraction and write it back.


Interface Summary
EntityConverter<E extends PersistentEntity<?,P>,P extends PersistentProperty<P>,T,S> Combined EntityReader and EntityWriter and add the ability to access a MappingContext and ConversionService.
EntityInstantiator SPI to abstract strategies to create instances for PersistentEntitys.
EntityReader<T,S> Interface to read object from store specific sources.
EntityWriter<T,S> Interface to write objects into store specific sinks.
TypeAliasAccessor<S> Interface to abstract implementations of how to access a type alias from a given source or sink.
TypeInformationMapper Interface to abstract the mapping from a type alias to the actual type.
TypeMapper<S> Interface to define strategies how to store type information in a store specific sink or source.

Class Summary
ConfigurableTypeInformationMapper TypeInformationMapper implementation that can be either set up using a MappingContext or manually set up Map of String aliases to types.
DefaultTypeMapper<S> Default implementation of MongoTypeMapper allowing configuration of the key to lookup and store type information in DBObject.
EntityInstantiators Simple value object allowing access to EntityInstantiator instances for a given type falling back to a default one.
JodaTimeConverters Helper class to register JodaTime specific JodaTimeConverters.LocalDateToDateConverter implementations in case the library is present on the classpath.
MappingContextTypeInformationMapper TypeInformationMapper implementation that can be either set up using a MappingContext or manually set up Map of String aliases to types.
SimpleTypeInformationMapper Basic TypeInformationMapper implementation that interprets the alias handles as fully qualified class name and tries to load a class with the given name to build TypeInformation.

Enum Summary
ReflectionEntityInstantiator EntityInstantiator that uses the PersistentEntity's PreferredConstructor to instantiate an instance of the entity via reflection.

Annotation Types Summary
ReadingConverter Annotation to clarify intended usage of a Converter as reading converter in case the conversion types leave room for disambiguation.
WritingConverter Annotation to clarify intended usage of a Converter as writing converter in case the conversion types leave room for disambiguation.

Package org.springframework.data.convert Description

General purpose conversion framework to read objects from a data store abstraction and write it back.

See Also:

Spring Data Core

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