Spring Data Core

Uses of Class

Packages that use Sort.Order
org.springframework.data.domain Central domain abstractions especially to be used in combination with the Repository abstraction. 
org.springframework.data.domain.jaxb Central domain abstractions especially to be used in combination with the Repository abstraction. 

Uses of Sort.Order in org.springframework.data.domain

Methods in org.springframework.data.domain that return Sort.Order
 Sort.Order Sort.getOrderFor(String property)
          Returns the order registered for the given property.
 Sort.Order Sort.Order.ignoreCase()
          Returns a new Sort.Order with case insensitive sorting enabled.
 Sort.Order Sort.Order.with(Sort.Direction order)
          Returns a new Sort.Order with the given Sort.Order.

Methods in org.springframework.data.domain that return types with arguments of type Sort.Order
static List<Sort.Order> Sort.Order.create(Sort.Direction direction, Iterable<String> properties)
          Deprecated. use Sort.Sort(Direction, List) instead.
 Iterator<Sort.Order> Sort.iterator()

Constructors in org.springframework.data.domain with parameters of type Sort.Order
Sort(Sort.Order... orders)
          Creates a new Sort instance using the given Sort.Orders.

Constructor parameters in org.springframework.data.domain with type arguments of type Sort.Order
Sort(List<Sort.Order> orders)
          Creates a new Sort instance.

Uses of Sort.Order in org.springframework.data.domain.jaxb

Methods in org.springframework.data.domain.jaxb that return Sort.Order
 Sort.Order OrderAdapter.unmarshal(SpringDataJaxb.OrderDto source)

Methods in org.springframework.data.domain.jaxb with parameters of type Sort.Order
 SpringDataJaxb.OrderDto OrderAdapter.marshal(Sort.Order order)

Spring Data Core

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